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[ Events ] ninja exams 341-380 were added not with the purpose of giving us a challange


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  • Registered: 2019-02-11
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 76
On 2019-08-12 11:15:38Show All Posts

it wouldn'tt even be that big a problem if we could get the ninja's an skill break hem at 3* not pay 20k minimum then anothe 40k+ to not only gett them to 4* then skil beak whatt's core for there kit or the Ronin Naruto hich i nealy 2k USD. Like there is no way in hell I'm paying 1000 for a playstation 5 much less double that for a ninja I could buy a car for that price or a semi decent pc to play actually intterestting rpg's like FF XIV an so on. if he exams were done better or the ninja's cheaper/less paywalled it would be better. As the ninja exam go I'm only at like 220 I think the one wih the speedy Hashirama but again even the lower ones have there fair share of convoluted tacktics to get past them. Doesn't help that our power average for EN vs CN is pretty far apart iirc an everything based off the CN version makes it messy.

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