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[ Bugs ] CP for Charms


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On 2019-08-09 04:02:57Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To

So somehow when I went to autoupgrade my tools the box to spend CP got checked accidentally even though I made sure to not check any boxes beforehand. Ended up burning about 19.8k cp that I had been saving for over 2 months. I claimed the rewards for the rebate thinking something must have bugged and that it would return to normal quickly. It did not. The charm packs from the rebate arent in inventory either, only the rainbow mag and the lvl 7 optional mag box. If my account can be rolled back to beginning of today that could be a possible solution other than me just being screwed.

Thanks for your time and consideration,


P.S. FeelsBadMan 2 months of saving down the drain

Edit: moved from [Other] to [Bugs] in case the lack of rewards from the claim count as bugs

This post was last edited by ChangedName on 2019-08-09 04:02:57.
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On 2019-08-09 00:32:22Show this Author Only

Hope you get something of the case, hopefully a mod responds to your post man, GL!

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On 2019-08-09 13:41:14Show this Author Only

I'm not a mod, but I had this happen to me a while back, I reported it to Customer Service, but there wasn't anything they could do for me, without proof that I didn't click that *on. If you wish to, you could always send in a CS ticket, and hope there is something they can do for you, just describe everything, and send as many screenshots as you can, as long as they are relevant. Be sure to include that part about your charms packs not being sent to your inventory, hopefully there is something they can do for you!

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On 2019-08-09 14:27:47Show this Author Only
  • tylermotoki On 2019-08-09 13:41:14
  • I'm not a mod, but I had this happen to me a while back, I reported it to Customer Service, but there wasn't anything they could do for me, without proof that I didn't click that *on. If you wish to, you could always send in a CS ticket, and hope there is something they can do for you, just describe everything, and send as many screenshots as you can, as long as they are relevant. Be sure to include that part about your charms packs not being sent to your inventory, hopefully there is something they can do for you!

So they can't even do a rollback? I dont care if I lose all the other stuff I did today. If I was thinking properly at the time I would have ss'd it immediately but I refreshed thinking it was a bug and refreshing automatically unchecks anyways

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On 2019-08-10 14:47:00Show this Author Only
  • ChangedName On 2019-08-09 14:27:47
  • So they can't even do a rollback? I dont care if I lose all the other stuff I did today. If I was thinking properly at the time I would have ss'd it immediately but I refreshed thinking it was a bug and refreshing automatically unchecks anyways

Sorry, I just saw this message, I was not told of such an option being available. I do not believe it to be a viable option, as many players might try to abuse it when they do not get the RNG rates that they wished for, I hope you have at least reported everything through a CS ticket.

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On 2019-08-12 16:18:02Show this Author Only

Hi there,

Unfortunately a roll back is not an option and this falls under player error. Particularly with charms but with auto-upgrading ANYTHING you need to make sure EACH time that the checkbox for using coupons/ingots is not checked. As Tyler suggested you can contact the in game customer service about your case with all relevant screenshots but sadly they generally do not give out compensation for player errors. As for the charms rebate packs, they need to be collected from the rebate interface, they do not immediately go into your inventory.

Quicky Post

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