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[ Fanfiction ] The Truth About M


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-08 05:17:30Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To

*1 month later after Urizen's battle*

Kazuya: *sigh* I know it passed 1 month so fast. But I need information about that demon called Urizen. Not only that... I need to know who is really M. I can't believe he's just a mere mortal, with black hair, black tattoos, black nails, black clothes and an iron cane. Hmm...

???: *knocks the door* Son... are you okay? *comes in*

Kazuya: Oh, it's you, Mom. What do you want?

Breeze: So, I have a little friend of you on my side. He wants to talk with you... Come on, pass.

M: Excuse me, Mrs. Breeze.

Breeze: Do you need something, M?

M: No, thanks. I need to talk with Kazuya in private.

Breeze: Got it. *closes the door*

Kazuya: M... It's you... I'm glad that I see you.

M: Yeah... well... *take a sit* Maybe you have a lot of questions, about me, about Urizen... and about you...

Kazuya: ... right.

M: Well, if you want it, I can explain who is really Urizen... and me.

Kazuya: That would be nice of your part. Talk, please.

M: *sigh* Well, everything begun when you lost your right arm...

*Flashback (2 months ago)*

Kazuya: It's too late. I need go back to home, before my mom kills me. But I need first- huh?

*a hooded man appears*

???: You... Give me the Yamato. NOW.

Kazuya: Who the hell are... *his right arm shines a blue light* You're...?

???: *takes Kazuya's arm and throws the boy into a wall*

Kazuya: G-Gwaaah! What the... hell was... *sees his right arm* THAT?

???: *pant* *pant* I'm taking this back.

Kazuya: *screams and loses blood from his right arm*

???: *coughs* I'm running out of time... *releases Yamato from Kazuya's arm and opens a portal*

Kazuya: W-Wait... Wait...! *faints*

*In the Present...*

Kazuya: How can you know that? You wasn't there!

M: Believe me... Urizen and I... were so... united... one time. *coughs* Let me ask you something. What type of relationship do you have with the Yamato?

Kazuya: *looks his right arm* My mother gived to me when I was 9 years old. She told me that the Yamato was a weapon of my dead father.

M: ...

Kazuya: The thing that I don't know is... why that hooded man wanted the Yamato?

M: *sigh* Kazu... Is time... to say you the truth... about me and the hooded man.

Kazuya: Huh...?

*Second flashback*

M (telling the story): Suffering defeat after defeat, the body of that hooded man was going to being destroyed. But... he couldn't stop his destiny... still. He had something to do before's too late... Protect his family. He took the Yamato, he saw his face with the iron of the blade... and then... he stabbed himself with the sword.

???: "Heavy chain... that does... freeze my bones... around!"

M: After those words, the man separated his human side, from his demon side, using the strength of the Yamato. And finally, the man had transformed in a true devil.

*Again in the present*

Kazuya: Oh my... god. So Urizen and you... were... one person?

M: That's right. We need to beat the devil fast, before he takes control of the world, using the Qliphoth roots.

Kazuya: The roots of what?

M: Qliphoth. Is a tree that grows in the Underworld. It feeds himself with the human blood, and those persons who uses their blood... well... *stands up with Kazuya and sees something on the otherside of the window* Let's just say that his ending It's not good.

Kazuya: In any case, we need to beat Urizen.

M: Wait. Let's just... take care of some demons, first. Urizen can wait.

Kazuya: *sigh* Fine. you win. Let's go.

M: Hehe... what a kid.

Kazuya: Oh! What happened with Scarlet and Azure?

M: Scarlet is resting on his home. But Azure... she's being used like a human core for a new type of devil.

Kazuya: ... We need to save her. Scarlet would be dissapointed if we don't save his... girlfriend?

M: Hm. As your wish. *his tattoos starts to move*

Kazuya: ... M... what the hell are you?

M: That's a mystery for me too.

*Meanwhile, in the Qliphoth base*

Urizen: Now it's the time... Hehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHA.

The End.

This post was last edited by IndraBlaze24 on 2019-08-08 05:17:30.
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On 2019-08-08 16:09:53Show this Author Only


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On 2019-08-08 16:11:00Show this Author Only

Amazing Great Job

This post was last edited by ScarletBlaze476 on 2019-08-08 16:12:43.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-08 17:01:49Show this Author Only
  • XylinSky On 2019-08-08 16:09:53
  • Wonderful

Thanks bro.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-08 17:02:21Show this Author Only
  • ScarletBlaze476 On 2019-08-08 16:11:00
  • Amazing Great Job

Thank you

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