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On 2019-08-03 08:23:23Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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From what I could see shizuka came different than on the Chinese server, she there when she has more than 50 chakras on the team she gives the most powerful attack but on the American server she only gives the most powerful attack when the enemy has less than 30 of them. chakra I really wanted to use her but this way she gets really bad.

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On 2019-08-03 11:15:06Show this Author Only

You c*e her with a ninja who steal chakra. If the opponent launch mystery, he will most of the time get interrupted. If he doesn't launch his mystery, he will lose his chakra.

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On 2019-08-03 17:06:41Show this Author Only

Who can steal chakra on enemy mystery use? So far I only know of ninjas who get chakra when enemy use mystery but not steal it.

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On 2019-08-03 19:36:35Show this Author Only

i'm gonna go on a limb here and say it's because they don't want a f2p char to be so powerful so they had to nerf her, kakuzu and naruto 6p need to shine after all

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On 2019-08-03 21:55:56Show this Author Only
  • tapi7ster@gmail On 2019-08-03 17:06:41
  • Who can steal chakra on enemy mystery use? So far I only know of ninjas who get chakra when enemy use mystery but not steal it.

5 kage madara can steal chakra, edo hashirama can steal chakra and shark kisame can steal chakra.

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On 2019-08-03 22:44:17Show this Author Only
  • momohiu On 2019-08-03 21:55:56
  • 5 kage madara can steal chakra, edo hashirama can steal chakra and shark kisame can steal chakra.

Don't forget about Ningendo.

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On 2019-08-04 03:04:21Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-08-03 22:44:17
  • Don't forget about Ningendo.

and chiyo(chikamatsu) who practically steals away the opponents soul in the process


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On 2019-08-06 03:25:36Show this Author Only

could you guys please answer why server 1282 still has no summer season yet?

we really want shizuka but the event hasn't arrived yet

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On 2019-08-06 06:27:55Show this Author Only
  • BruxoSz On 2019-08-06 03:25:36

  • could you guys please answer why server 1282 still has no summer season yet?

    we really want shizuka but the event hasn't arrived yet

you guys are a new server might be why and didnt last for 15 days yet

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On 2019-08-06 07:47:25Show this Author Only

It doesnt matter who can steal chakra. She's move1 material and move1 only, at least for next year+ before we get to the point of using p2 as anything other than buff/control. And as a p1, shes terrible. She has no tags except sword and wind. Current mystery makes her usable only against slower players, who are afking on auto. There's not a single other reliable and repetitive scenario, where you c*e her upgraded mystery. Meanwhile her normal mystery is dodgeable, no interrupt, less aoe (and less dmg, or may just look like it). It's just plain bad. I've been waiting to use her for a really long time, I really tried but I had to switch to other team not even halfway through swb because shes just belove average. Tbh shira was more reliable, which says a lot with his random hit and wonder attacks.

Kaz, no idea if that was the intention (wink) but as long as it isnt hotfixed, this ninja is in a very bad state.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2019-08-06 07:49:37.
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On 2019-08-06 08:38:10Show this Author Only

I am here just to support Zathroth's comment.

I played her with Wind Main, Female and Wind and turned out terrible.

Too many requirements, just to make her in OK state.

Welpppp, back to my beloved Konan.

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On 2019-08-06 16:52:29Show this Author Only

Several people use her with Samui swim suit, WM and Gaara in My server. And even if I agree about her 4* improvement of her mystery being meehhhhh, her passives are great, her chase can be annoying af, and she can really do lots of damages. Of course she won't beat all the best ninjas in the game, oasis isn't that *, but she's à really interesting f2p ninja imo.

Just dont expect to receive a 6p every time we have à f2p ninja and you'll be good ;)

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On 2019-08-06 17:32:40Show this Author Only
  • momohiu On 2019-08-03 11:15:06
  • You c*e her with a ninja who steal chakra. If the opponent launch mystery, he will most of the time get interrupted. If he doesn't launch his mystery, he will lose his chakra.

In order to do that you need a ninja that can both interrupt and steal chakra. Correct me if I am wrong but chakra stealing ninjas don't interrupt hell they can't even steal chakra if the opponent is already in the middle of casting. However lets just say that a ninja can do both steal and interrupt. Even then you would need a ninja that has good synergy with her like same element etc.

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On 2019-08-06 17:38:14Show this Author Only
  • Kaz S590 On 2019-08-03 19:36:35
  • i'm gonna go on a limb here and say it's because they don't want a f2p char to be so powerful so they had to nerf her, kakuzu and naruto 6p need to shine after all

Yeah p2w ninjas need to shine but that doesn't mean they should nerf f2p ninjas. In my opinion they didn't need to nerf her. Even with the 50 chakra requirement she would still have been a meh ninja at best compared to kakuzu and six path teams. This is kinda oppressive to f2p players.

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On 2019-08-06 18:35:06Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2019-08-06 07:47:25
  • It doesnt matter who can steal chakra. She's move1 material and move1 only, at least for next year+ before we get to the point of using p2 as anything other than buff/control. And as a p1, shes terrible. She has no tags except sword and wind. Current mystery makes her usable only against slower players, who are afking on auto. There's not a single other reliable and repetitive scenario, where you c*e her upgraded mystery. Meanwhile her normal mystery is dodgeable, no interrupt, less aoe (and less dmg, or may just look like it). It's just plain bad. I've been waiting to use her for a really long time, I really tried but I had to switch to other team not even halfway through swb because shes just belove average. Tbh shira was more reliable, which says a lot with his random hit and wonder attacks.

    Kaz, no idea if that was the intention (wink) but as long as it isnt hotfixed, this ninja is in a very bad state.

But are we sure the mystery is not simply wrongly translated?

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On 2019-08-06 20:41:04Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2019-08-06 18:35:06
  • But are we sure the mystery is not simply wrongly translated?

nope is not, i tried her in arena and she works exactly as stated in the description

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On 2019-08-06 21:11:35Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2019-08-06 07:47:25
  • It doesnt matter who can steal chakra. She's move1 material and move1 only, at least for next year+ before we get to the point of using p2 as anything other than buff/control. And as a p1, shes terrible. She has no tags except sword and wind. Current mystery makes her usable only against slower players, who are afking on auto. There's not a single other reliable and repetitive scenario, where you c*e her upgraded mystery. Meanwhile her normal mystery is dodgeable, no interrupt, less aoe (and less dmg, or may just look like it). It's just plain bad. I've been waiting to use her for a really long time, I really tried but I had to switch to other team not even halfway through swb because shes just belove average. Tbh shira was more reliable, which says a lot with his random hit and wonder attacks.

    Kaz, no idea if that was the intention (wink) but as long as it isnt hotfixed, this ninja is in a very bad state.

you c*e her succesfully if you use her together with edo minato bond barrier or edo fu barrier, but is quite difficult to make it work fine since how easy is lately to break barriers even with prompt moves.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2019-08-06 21:11:47.
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On 2019-08-09 21:14:37Show this Author Only

the opponents chakra has to be lower than 30 lol that only happens in the 1st round. Shizuka was made to be a 1st move but they completely ruined it... Only time the opponent has less than 30 chakra is during the 1st round and you can't do your mystery then. If the opponents chakra is higher than 30, you just can't interrupt anyone. They ruined the character on purpose cause it's a f2p char

They can activate the mystery if they're on auto and you interrupt them but that only lasts until round 3, on round 4 the opponents chakra is 80, they will only spend 40 if it's naruto 6p, and if it's kakuzu they don't spend anything at all, shizuka could've been a great kakuzu counter and a naruto counter if she has her original mystery, kakuzu couldn't do his mystery that takes way too much health despite it being ''medium'' damage, now you can't do that, cause it doesn't interrupt

This post was last edited by Kaz S590 on 2019-08-09 21:19:04.
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On 2019-08-09 21:29:34Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2019-08-06 17:32:40
  • In order to do that you need a ninja that can both interrupt and steal chakra. Correct me if I am wrong but chakra stealing ninjas don't interrupt hell they can't even steal chakra if the opponent is already in the middle of casting. However lets just say that a ninja can do both steal and interrupt. Even then you would need a ninja that has good synergy with her like same element etc.

Edo hashirama can interrupt and steal chakra at the same time. For all of you saying that her 4 star skill is useless because the opponent will have more than 30 chakra at round 2 think about it again. At round 2 you naturally have 40 chakra point, except of course if you have a chakra generator team (earth main, Itachi...), If the opponent use a mystery even a 20 chakra cost mystery he will get interrupted because he will have 20 chakra and Shizuka's mystery is undodgeable. If he wait to use his mystery then you need a chakra stealer like shark kisame so that he won't have chakra to launch anything.

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