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[ Help ] Sage Naruto


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On 2016-09-17 00:03:59Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2016-09-16 19:42:42
  • nope you wont get dup until you have all of the rare character, so if you have both Ao and Orochi already you only need 60 more scrolls to get Sage Naruto
Kaizer pulled multiple duplicates of Pain.. While i'm trying to get Path, i'd prefer not to get duplicates.
Why is it that he get's duplicates?
Is it because PAINS are all categorized into one designated rare section? Because if i'm not mistaken he got all the PAINS except Tendo (which is locked from a 400x seal paywall). I don't want to pull duplicates.
Quicky Post

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