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[ Ranked Battles ] what the best fire main lvl68


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-15 21:19:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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please guys help me what the best line up for ranked battle and i have these charcter

This post was last edited by kereto at 2016-9-15 21:15
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-16 04:06:14Show this Author Only
If you * with the team you have now, move Gaara in front of your main (Naruto's clones don't last long).

Otherwise, heard on the forum somewhere that Ino combos with Scarlet's sleep moves and demolished a Wind/Hinata/Shizune/Sakura team by chaos-ing all of them, and I had 100% life at the end. So yeah, she's good - against teams, not single targets. So yes with Ranked.

In Ranked, my team is basically tanks in the front and damage/heal in the back.

Key stuff:

At least one two-stage mystery with like no initiative (so not with your main) to cancel out the other guy's (I have Haku; there's Sasuke, Anko, Jirobo...).

Interrupts galore. Sometimes whoever wins is the guy with more interrupts.

Double leech with Lee/Gai, and I have Lee in front of Gai so that they don't get taken down too fast.

Debuff clear; fire main on one team and Sakura in another.

Damaging healers like Karin (just got her so not yet), Kabuto (more like clones).

Make sure combos work on all teams.

AOE moves as well as targeted - ignite an entire team with Sasuke, poison w/ Kankuro, etc. Debuffs in general. Especially agains teams with lots of healers (ignite, anyway).

Don't put your Lee across from his Hinata. Don't put your Hinata across from his Kankuro, Stuff like that - switch teams around (debuff against shield teams, tai against not-Hinata/Neji...)

And not something I consider as much, but first round moves are useful - if you want Hinata's guard 1st round then don't put her with others who have 1st round moves. But take into consideration other stuff before this; Hinata can handle it. (Oh, and another thing I don't think about but just realized - if Zabuza has high initiative, when he uses that near0worthless blind move the interrupts will go to him first. But it's probably not important either.) This post was last edited by Aokawa at 2016-9-15 15:10
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-16 23:08:11Show this Author Only
ok ,thank you but if i want make a new lineup from your opinion what the best lineup for combo and power?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 00:05:00Show this Author Only
Hinata in first row in the middle, next to her your main after main sasuke and last karin.
Dragon Flame
Feather Illusion
Celestial Prison
Genjutsu Mirror
Oboro Clone
Summon Crow
Quicky Post

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