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[ Events ] Forced Merge :/ Should give advance notice and ask players first


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On 2019-07-31 15:27:52Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Oasis pushed a merge with only a few days of notice and without player feedback on the merges. And now my servers and I'm sure many other servers have been clustered together to form something about 24 servers of people.

This is going to really * with some group events, especially the rogue ninja outbursts. My labtop's also lagging a bit when i play now x D I don't want to turn off my eyesight to only see names floating around just to play :(

I really wish they would actually ask the players before they forcibly merge servers that have enough people, especially not to triple the people. What do you guys think?

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On 2019-07-31 15:37:02Show this Author Only
dont worry, taking into consideration how this game is managed the game will be empty in no time AGAIN, the down side is that the ones staying are walles and lvl freezers.
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On 2019-07-31 16:27:30Show this Author Only

Meanwhile servers like mine hat are 4 months old and maybe 6 of the top 50 active still don't see a merge lol.

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On 2019-07-31 17:19:51Show this Author Only
  • Rasual On 2019-07-31 16:27:30
  • Meanwhile servers like mine hat are 4 months old and maybe 6 of the top 50 active still don't see a merge lol.

First merge occurs usually 6+ months after its release. After 2.5 years of playing my server got 3rd merge. While first and 2nd merge are usually neccessary, 3rd one pretty much made whole cluster as 1 server, which makes cross server events pointless, as you are fighting within your own server anyway. And those few server events that had z server ranking with relatively few participants = easy to get top place (banner event, wheel of fortune, etc) just got a huge nerf due to merging with another 10+ servers. Unless some of those servers OP is talking about ( I assume it was a merge of 3-4 x 5servers into 1 big server made of those 15-20) were literally dead (which i doubt), only benefit of that merge is konoha world tree lv6 reward and login rewards during first week of merge. I wont refer to new players, as it can be both positive and negative depending on relations, so il just skip this partt.

With such merge they should also consider cluster merge, so spacetime and other activities arent limited to 1 server. However this might be even more drastic change, depending how it's handled.

Ah, and again to OP:

them asking us if we want it 1)wouldnt matter and 2) wouldnt happen anymore. Once they asked this about few features thinking they will get a feedback which supports their intent (cross swb, 13-14runestones) it backfired really hard for them. So they wont ask for it, just implement it anyway, whether we want it or not.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2019-07-31 17:23:09.
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On 2019-07-31 17:49:20Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2019-07-31 17:19:51
  • First merge occurs usually 6+ months after its release. After 2.5 years of playing my server got 3rd merge. While first and 2nd merge are usually neccessary, 3rd one pretty much made whole cluster as 1 server, which makes cross server events pointless, as you are fighting within your own server anyway. And those few server events that had z server ranking with relatively few participants = easy to get top place (banner event, wheel of fortune, etc) just got a huge nerf due to merging with another 10+ servers. Unless some of those servers OP is talking about ( I assume it was a merge of 3-4 x 5servers into 1 big server made of those 15-20) were literally dead (which i doubt), only benefit of that merge is konoha world tree lv6 reward and login rewards during first week of merge. I wont refer to new players, as it can be both positive and negative depending on relations, so il just skip this partt.

    With such merge they should also consider cluster merge, so spacetime and other activities arent limited to 1 server. However this might be even more drastic change, depending how it's handled.

    Ah, and again to OP:

    them asking us if we want it 1)wouldnt matter and 2) wouldnt happen anymore. Once they asked this about few features thinking they will get a feedback which supports their intent (cross swb, 13-14runestones) it backfired really hard for them. So they wont ask for it, just implement it anyway, whether we want it or not.

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On 2019-07-31 17:53:22Show this Author Only

Honestly, my server S289, got its 3rd Merge...where we got more 250k+ players, more 400k+ and 2 500k+, where only 1 person in our server is even close to 500k....Thanks Oasis...we didn't need the merge but glad to see we get pulled into it anyways....

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On 2019-08-01 04:11:42Show this Author Only

I sometime look at server merger request to check then keep watch but sometime just don't work. SORRY 2 HEAR

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On 2019-08-01 04:56:41Show this Author Only
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On 2019-08-01 04:58:35Show this Author Only

my server got 3 merges so far lol, and it's down to 4 groups again competing in gnw... gg oasis you really know how to handle your community of people.

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On 2019-08-01 13:33:00Show this Author Only

I usually side with the community with this kind of stuff but the community has generated crappy complaints and posts in recent times. Yea, there's a lot of things to complain about in this game, a lot of things i can pick out myself but server merges? really? y'all are complaining about server merges? Oasis is not obligated to take your opinion on whether or not you already have your friends on your server or whether or you not you WOULD LIKE a merge. It's by NEED basis.

It's not the game's fault that there are only 2 groups left on your server, thats on the players. if you dont like 2 groups, then stop super group merging. It's not like you are adjusting your xgnw chances in doing that. the same group will always win cross server war. Server merge was the best thing that happened to my server. bunch of 300k+ including myself found new interest in the game. we went from 2 groups pre-merge to 6 groups competitively fighting in war.

They aren't merging just to merge, they merge because your activity rates are dookie after official closed down and a manifesto was sent around. people quit, servers are becoming less active than the specific quota. just because the time span between 2nd and 3rd merge has been slight, it doesn't warrant you to complain about it.

I can say im disappointed in the forum community, actually let me rephrase. i always have been disappointed with the people active in forums.

You could have complained about the level 13/14 rune addition or how the new refines are about to come out. Or how we still get a bunch of medium refine runes from events like lucky bag and we seriously dont need those type of runes anymore. maybe could have contributed to the translation forum posts ? But no, we are complaining that oasis is making our servers more active by adding more players and thus *e to the mix.

Imagine an ambassador asking a server strong power if they would like a server merge: "my server may need it, but no i disagree because i dont want to lose my strong power title". thats one of the least * responses an ambassador could get if they asked for opinions, believe me ive heard worse.

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On 2019-08-01 15:39:59Show this Author Only
  • JairBolsonaro On 2019-08-01 13:33:00
  • I usually side with the community with this kind of stuff but the community has generated crappy complaints and posts in recent times. Yea, there's a lot of things to complain about in this game, a lot of things i can pick out myself but server merges? really? y'all are complaining about server merges? Oasis is not obligated to take your opinion on whether or not you already have your friends on your server or whether or you not you WOULD LIKE a merge. It's by NEED basis.

    It's not the game's fault that there are only 2 groups left on your server, thats on the players. if you dont like 2 groups, then stop super group merging. It's not like you are adjusting your xgnw chances in doing that. the same group will always win cross server war. Server merge was the best thing that happened to my server. bunch of 300k+ including myself found new interest in the game. we went from 2 groups pre-merge to 6 groups competitively fighting in war.

    They aren't merging just to merge, they merge because your activity rates are dookie after official closed down and a manifesto was sent around. people quit, servers are becoming less active than the specific quota. just because the time span between 2nd and 3rd merge has been slight, it doesn't warrant you to complain about it.

    I can say im disappointed in the forum community, actually let me rephrase. i always have been disappointed with the people active in forums.

    You could have complained about the level 13/14 rune addition or how the new refines are about to come out. Or how we still get a bunch of medium refine runes from events like lucky bag and we seriously dont need those type of runes anymore. maybe could have contributed to the translation forum posts ? But no, we are complaining that oasis is making our servers more active by adding more players and thus *e to the mix.

    Imagine an ambassador asking a server strong power if they would like a server merge: "my server may need it, but no i disagree because i dont want to lose my strong power title". thats one of the least * responses an ambassador could get if they asked for opinions, believe me ive heard worse.

I agree that server merges are a good thing but only if the goal is to make the servers more lively.

The problem is that the goal of the merges is never that one.

Every single merge is done with the idea in mind to induce superwhales that went from spending 1000$ per month to 200$ in going back spending 1000 and with the idea in mind to make reduce the amount of free resources people that spend less than 50$ per month get so that they are compelled to spend a bit more to have back what they used to get.

This one is the only goal of the merges.

From the gameplay point of view merging makes sense when there are less than 4 groups that take part every week in gnw.

If a merge happens even if the number of groups is higher than 3 then the only reason it happened is the one i said.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-08-01 15:43:56.
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On 2019-08-01 15:56:16Show this Author Only

my server get merged without any notices, top pay player in my server rage quit, small pay player still play but in an unhappy way they dont talk or do activities with others people in server merge, more problems come with the game client/version.

my server 1161 get merged before 6month it is 6 server merging in the first time only plus we did not request for merging and make my laptop heat so quick after merging.

recent problem did not yet fixed are :

-arena season end with rank Genin you will get Ninja school rewards

-"one-click-claim"at survival trial sometime wont collect all the rewarding scrolls

-in bathhouse, you cant see others people in bath but your another account see them

-you need to clear cache more often, game choppy, lag the worse is one account is running smooth another is delay like 10sec

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On 2019-08-01 16:00:41Show this Author Only


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On 2019-08-01 16:02:49Show this Author Only

until now it is 6month i've played this game, but i see that they set fire on their back and keep offense players more often.

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On 2019-08-01 16:37:14Show this Author Only

This game was ment to be played with that amount of people ... dont like it ? QUIT

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On 2019-08-01 18:07:48Show this Author Only
  • Green goggles On 2019-08-01 16:00:41
  • CaptureCapture1

You need to reach sage of six paths rank once to get in the monthly reward for rank system. It is also written in the mail you posted...

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-08-01 18:08:32.
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On 2019-08-01 21:46:49Show this Author Only
  • JairBolsonaro On 2019-08-01 13:33:00
  • I usually side with the community with this kind of stuff but the community has generated crappy complaints and posts in recent times. Yea, there's a lot of things to complain about in this game, a lot of things i can pick out myself but server merges? really? y'all are complaining about server merges? Oasis is not obligated to take your opinion on whether or not you already have your friends on your server or whether or you not you WOULD LIKE a merge. It's by NEED basis.

    It's not the game's fault that there are only 2 groups left on your server, thats on the players. if you dont like 2 groups, then stop super group merging. It's not like you are adjusting your xgnw chances in doing that. the same group will always win cross server war. Server merge was the best thing that happened to my server. bunch of 300k+ including myself found new interest in the game. we went from 2 groups pre-merge to 6 groups competitively fighting in war.

    They aren't merging just to merge, they merge because your activity rates are dookie after official closed down and a manifesto was sent around. people quit, servers are becoming less active than the specific quota. just because the time span between 2nd and 3rd merge has been slight, it doesn't warrant you to complain about it.

    I can say im disappointed in the forum community, actually let me rephrase. i always have been disappointed with the people active in forums.

    You could have complained about the level 13/14 rune addition or how the new refines are about to come out. Or how we still get a bunch of medium refine runes from events like lucky bag and we seriously dont need those type of runes anymore. maybe could have contributed to the translation forum posts ? But no, we are complaining that oasis is making our servers more active by adding more players and thus *e to the mix.

    Imagine an ambassador asking a server strong power if they would like a server merge: "my server may need it, but no i disagree because i dont want to lose my strong power title". thats one of the least * responses an ambassador could get if they asked for opinions, believe me ive heard worse.

People aren't complaining that they are merged, just how they were merged.

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On 2019-08-01 22:23:22Show this Author Only
  • JairBolsonaro On 2019-08-01 13:33:00
  • I usually side with the community with this kind of stuff but the community has generated crappy complaints and posts in recent times. Yea, there's a lot of things to complain about in this game, a lot of things i can pick out myself but server merges? really? y'all are complaining about server merges? Oasis is not obligated to take your opinion on whether or not you already have your friends on your server or whether or you not you WOULD LIKE a merge. It's by NEED basis.

    It's not the game's fault that there are only 2 groups left on your server, thats on the players. if you dont like 2 groups, then stop super group merging. It's not like you are adjusting your xgnw chances in doing that. the same group will always win cross server war. Server merge was the best thing that happened to my server. bunch of 300k+ including myself found new interest in the game. we went from 2 groups pre-merge to 6 groups competitively fighting in war.

    They aren't merging just to merge, they merge because your activity rates are dookie after official closed down and a manifesto was sent around. people quit, servers are becoming less active than the specific quota. just because the time span between 2nd and 3rd merge has been slight, it doesn't warrant you to complain about it.

    I can say im disappointed in the forum community, actually let me rephrase. i always have been disappointed with the people active in forums.

    You could have complained about the level 13/14 rune addition or how the new refines are about to come out. Or how we still get a bunch of medium refine runes from events like lucky bag and we seriously dont need those type of runes anymore. maybe could have contributed to the translation forum posts ? But no, we are complaining that oasis is making our servers more active by adding more players and thus *e to the mix.

    Imagine an ambassador asking a server strong power if they would like a server merge: "my server may need it, but no i disagree because i dont want to lose my strong power title". thats one of the least * responses an ambassador could get if they asked for opinions, believe me ive heard worse.

you must be from discord to post some valid points, but here's the thing, not everything you say is sunshine and rainbows, with merges comes the fact that people can be thirsty for winning, as it so happens in my server, so what happens is, they go to the stronger group, it's human nature, you cant change that, and this will keep going until oasis realizes, community sometimes might be in the right, it's true we have our toxicity and our trolls, but hey, it's just white noise, minority, there's some people here that actually keep logic and reason, so all in all, merges can be a double edged sword.

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On 2019-08-01 22:28:50Show this Author Only

yeah they merge without any one asking and don't merge hu requested like aaaaaa why is there even a request page

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On 2019-08-02 01:56:03Show this Author Only
  • Buu Z Tier On 2019-08-01 22:28:50
  • yeah they merge without any one asking and don't merge hu requested like aaaaaa why is there even a request page

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