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[ Events ] Forced Merge :/ Should give advance notice and ask players first


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-31 17:53:22Show All Posts

Honestly, my server S289, got its 3rd Merge...where we got more 250k+ players, more 400k+ and 2 500k+, where only 1 person in our server is even close to 500k....Thanks Oasis...we didn't need the merge but glad to see we get pulled into it anyways....

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-01 21:46:49Show All Posts
  • JairBolsonaro On 2019-08-01 13:33:00
  • I usually side with the community with this kind of stuff but the community has generated crappy complaints and posts in recent times. Yea, there's a lot of things to complain about in this game, a lot of things i can pick out myself but server merges? really? y'all are complaining about server merges? Oasis is not obligated to take your opinion on whether or not you already have your friends on your server or whether or you not you WOULD LIKE a merge. It's by NEED basis.

    It's not the game's fault that there are only 2 groups left on your server, thats on the players. if you dont like 2 groups, then stop super group merging. It's not like you are adjusting your xgnw chances in doing that. the same group will always win cross server war. Server merge was the best thing that happened to my server. bunch of 300k+ including myself found new interest in the game. we went from 2 groups pre-merge to 6 groups competitively fighting in war.

    They aren't merging just to merge, they merge because your activity rates are dookie after official closed down and a manifesto was sent around. people quit, servers are becoming less active than the specific quota. just because the time span between 2nd and 3rd merge has been slight, it doesn't warrant you to complain about it.

    I can say im disappointed in the forum community, actually let me rephrase. i always have been disappointed with the people active in forums.

    You could have complained about the level 13/14 rune addition or how the new refines are about to come out. Or how we still get a bunch of medium refine runes from events like lucky bag and we seriously dont need those type of runes anymore. maybe could have contributed to the translation forum posts ? But no, we are complaining that oasis is making our servers more active by adding more players and thus *e to the mix.

    Imagine an ambassador asking a server strong power if they would like a server merge: "my server may need it, but no i disagree because i dont want to lose my strong power title". thats one of the least * responses an ambassador could get if they asked for opinions, believe me ive heard worse.

People aren't complaining that they are merged, just how they were merged.

Quicky Post

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