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[ Lineup ] F2P lineup


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-27 14:49:24Show All Posts
  • Jeffyh On 2019-07-27 08:42:08
  • anyone knows good f2p comps for LM? I have ggn kankuro and the Sakura Summer, but dont know whats the best f2p comp


Sakura summer mostly works well with water main position one teams, at the early game especially. Feel free to post your ninjas so you can have some teams suggestions for now

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
  • Posts: 585
On 2019-07-30 07:24:50Show All Posts

You got many options of running a team. Considering the fact that you got Sakura, she could be useful for you at the moment as well. You could try out teams like shark bombing with the following style :

You can just use any healing ninja there or any support ninja like Sai Suit for example and you're ready to go. Fire main can be another option being your main damaging ninja as well with Ino Summer, Mei and Chikamaru Chunin for example.

Also, since you got Killerbee, it would be a good option if you can work towards Naruto Six Paths, as he'll help you a lot. Try to save for him and collect some of this fragments of the events. He may be everywhere, but he is a ninja that can be a huge help for free to play and lower spender players, since he can be useful in any mode at the moment. Additionally, every other build does cost a lot (Kakuzu skill breaks, Kushina, etc.)

Quicky Post

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