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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 25th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-24 23:55:59Show All PostsDescending Order
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Dear Ninja,

We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 07/25/19! Please, have a look below to check the new events!

New Ninjas Breakthrough/Trial


Sakura [Cloak]


Itachi Uchiha [Kimono]

Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei]

Kakuzu[Earth Grudge Fear]

Madara Uchiha [Great Ninja War]

Ninja in August updated: Kakashi [Anbu]

Ninja Collection Chapter 8 opened

New function Fair Battle added


New world map unlimited PK (Fair Battle): After selecting a player on the map, click their portrait and choose the “Fair Battle” *on to send a request, to fight with the same battle attributes.

1."Infinite Tsukuyomi Special Rebate" added.

Want your money to be valuable? Then, it's now time to recharge! The more ingots you recharge, the more valuable rebates you can get!

Period: May 30th - Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

During the event, players who recharge the required amount of Ingots can get different rewards as rebate. The Ingots recharged will be ac*ulated during the event. A Strong Ninja awaits you!

2. "Inos Flower" added.

Ino loves Fresh Flowers, get rewards by sending fresh flowers to Ino!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Sweeping Plot/Elite Instances will reward you with Fresh Flowers. Recharging 50 Ingots will reward you with Fresh Flower*1. Gifting Ino Fresh Flowers will reward players with Coins.

b) After the event has ended, you will be rewarded according to the Ranking which is based on the amount of Fresh Flowers sent. Fresh Flowers can only be sent until Jul 31st, the final ranking will be displayed for 4 days.

c) Players who want to be part of ranking needs to gift 350 Flowers at least.

d) 1st prize: Deluxe Ninja Optional PackII*1; Deluxe Assist Pack*1

2nd and 3rd: Super Value Assist Pack ; Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*2

4th to 6th: Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1; Level 6 Magatama Pack*1

7th to 10th: Purification Breakthrough Pill*1 ; Treasured Tools Rare essence*2

IMPORTANT NOTE: This event is NOT cross-server based event. There will be first place for each server that meets requirements.

Deluxe Ninja Optional Pack II content:Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei] *80, Madara Uchiha[Great Ninja War] *80, Itachi Uchiha[Kimono]*80, Kabuto[Sage Mode] *80

3. "Crazy Slot Machine" added.

Recharge Ingots to have a chance at spinning the Slot Machine! Super rare ninja and other rewards are awaiting for you!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 28th

How To:

a) During the event, for each time your recharge 100 Ingots in the game, you will get a spin for a chance to get a neat prize! There is no limit to how many times it can be spun daily. "Spins" obtained for this week's events need to be used in time, once the events end, the "Spins" you didn't use will be reset to 0.

b) Every time you spin it, there is a guaranteed prize! Outstanding ninjas and other fantastic prizes can be obtained! The prizes awarded will be in accordance to your matches in the Slot Machine!

c)1st Prize: Powerful Breakthrough Pack

2nd Prize: Madara Uchiha [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki]*3

3rd Prize: Advanced Ninja Optional Pack III*1

4th Prize: Seal Scroll*1, Level 4 Rainbow Magatama*1, Cultivation Pill*1,Cave Key*10

5th Prize: Level 3 Magatama Pack*1, Mount Myoboku’sTraining*1, Charm Materials Fragment*5, Cultivate Scrolls *3, Advanced Refine Rune*1, Purification Breakthrough Pill fragments*3

6th Prize: Training Potion*2, Unbound Runes Packets*2, Charm Materials Fragment*1, Purification Protection Runes*2, Treasured Tools Common Essence*1

4. "Break Golden Eggs" added.

Super value rewards in every golden eggs, recharge and get a hammer! Break golden eggs to see what you can get!

Period: Jul 29th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Recharge 50 ingots can obtain 1 hammer. Limit of 50 Hammers daily. (50 ingots should be recharged on the same day, if split recharge in different days, you cannot get a hammer.)

b) Consume a hammer and 20 ingots to break a Golden Egg. Hammer won’t be refreshed daily.

c) Rewards in Golden Eggs random drop:

Coupons*20; Coupons*30; Coupons*50, Coupons*60;; Cave keys*3; Training Potion*2 Sasuke[Rinne Sharingan]*80, Madara Uchiha [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki]*1

5. "Fukurokumaru's Deals" added.

Use Coupons and get rebates for doing so! Use both Coupons and Ingots to get fantastic rebates and purchase exclusive Gift Bags!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.

How To:

a) Reach the given usage of both Coupons and Ingots to get free rewards and be eligible to buy specific gift bags and exclusive prices.

b) All Ingots used in ALL functions, systems, events and interfaces are accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

c) In what concerns the usage of Coupons, ONLY Coupons used in "Weekly Events" (Hot Topics), "Shop", "Mysterious Cave" and "Battle Armor" will be accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals". For example, Coupons used in "Eight Inner Gates", Offer Gifts purchased with Coupons in the Home system to offer to visiting Ninja, Coupons used to refresh the Black Market and Coupons used to revive Characters are not accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

Remark: rewards updated

6. "Colored Banner Gift" added.

Obtain Awesome Items by Spending Ingots/Coupons in the Souvenir Store and win the Colored Banner Competition!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How to:

1. During the event, purchases made in the Souvenir Store create contribution, increasing your groups banner height; Ac*ulated spending of 100 Ingots/Coupons can increase the height by 0.01 meter.

2. When a group’s banner height reaches a certain level, all members of the group can claim a reward. Each reward can only be claimed once per user.

3. At the Settlement, all members of the top 3 groups banner height will obtain extra reward.

4. Ranking Settlement time: 7/31 23:59:59; when the settlement time ends you won't be able to participate in the event, and the ranking rewards will be send by mail.

Reward Claim Deadline: 8/1 23:59:59; please claim your reward on time.

The player who doesn’t has a group can purchase in the Souvenir Store but the contribution height won't be retained; to avoid contribution height been reset to 0, we suggest you to don't leave the group during the event; at the rewards settlement if there's no group you won't get the rewards.

Remark: rewards updated

7. "Summer Memories-Activity" added.

Gather the ingredients by completing Missions to obtain Free Summer Badges!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How to:

a) During the event, obtain random Ingredients by completing given tasks, send all your extra food Ingredients to your friends.

b) Gather a given type of food to claim gift packs. During the event, all gift packs can only be claimed once.

c) Use the pack to obtain Summer Badges to redeem power ninja and useful items.

8. "Summer Memories-Shop" added.

Use Summer Badges to exchange powerful items and ninja in Summer Memories-Shop!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How to:

a) During the event, players can buy Summer Badge Packs directly in the Purchase Limit Shop.

b) Open the Summer Badges Pack to obtain the Summer Badges.

c) Consume Summer Badges to redeem power ninja and useful items. Summer Badges you didn't use will be reset to 0 after events end.

9. "Konoha's Great Tree" added.

Watch your tree and your server's World Tree grow and get Fortune Coins! Get to the Fortune Shop and exchange them!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

How to:

a) Konoha's Great Tree has an icon in the main HUD; players can click the icon to enter this event.

b) Players can obtain Dew Drops by clearing trials in Survival Trial, participating in the Arena or clearing Team Instances. Buying Daily Packs will also earn players Dew Drops.

c) Bless the Lucky Tree using Dew Drops, Coupons or Ingots to obtain Points and Items or Fortune Coins from the Lucky Tree. Points and Fortune Coins can be redeemed in different shops in the event, both can be found in the event’s interface.

d) The Lucky Tree will level up when a given amount of Points is reached.

e) All players from a given same server can obtain items from the World Tree. Its level is related to the amount of Points of all Players from a single server.

f) Remember to use Dew Drops, Fortune Coins and Konoha’s Great Tree Points before the deadline of the events (which is according to the computers’ time) or it will be reset to 0.

10. "Great Plates" added.

Every plate has a great item, use keys to get them, awesome ninja await you!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate

How to: Use Great Keys and get rewards! The more Great Keys you use, the more rewards await you!

11. "Fishing Mania" added.

Many good stuffs in fish market, catch some fish to exchange goods you want!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Login every day to claim free baits once in the Fishing Mania interface, it will be refreshed daily at 5AM.

b) Clear instances (includes Elite instances) to have a chance of it dropping a bait.

c) Use different bait (weak, standard, Flawless) in their corresponding scenery to get different species of fish (Click Go Fishing to reach the destination automatically). Fish c*so be bought from the Shop.

d) Offer your fresh fish in exchange for Fishing Points, use Points directly in the Fish Market.

e) Points rules: Herring*1= 1 Fishing Points; Carp*1= 3 Fishing Points; Catfish*1=5 Fishing Points; Tropical Fish*1= 15 Fishing Points.

Remark: rewards have been updated.

12. "Cultivation Limited Rebate” added.

Participate in five nature Chakra training. Great rebates are on their way.

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements:Players must reach Level 54 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Rewards can be claimed after reaching the required requirements.

b) Cultivation times will not be counted after using cultivation scrolls.

Remark: Only Cultivation through coupons/ingots can be counted.

13. "Refining Rebate" added.

Refining equipment will get you refining materials and other valuable rewards. Power up and get rebates at the same time!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How to:

a) Players can get rewards when refining times reach the requirement.

b) This event's Refining Rebate will not provide additional Wish Credit.

14. "Limited Refinement" added.

Get extra Wish Credits and improve your Power level by Refining your Equipment!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Players use Refine Runes to upgrade their equipment in Refine Equipment (Strengthen interface). Every time you level up your equipment to a new Refine level, you’ll receive free time-limited Wish Credits.

b) Free time-limited Wish Credits will expire when the event ends.

15. "Activity Lucky Bag" added.

Complete missions to receive rewards, awesome new items are awaiting!

Period: Jul 25th-Jul 31st

Requirements: Players must reach Level 6 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Click “View Details” in the right bottom of the interface to check the missions.

b) Complete the required missions to get activity points. Lucky bags can be opened with ac*ulative amounts of the points. You can open 25 bags per day in total, which will randomly drop these items: Coins, Refine Rune, Izuna Uchiha, Chiriku, Kinkaku, Sakura[Cloak], Lv2.Magatama, Seal Scroll, Stamina potion etc.

16. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

17. Last, but not least,”Spin”, "Hammer", "Wish Credits", "Summer Badges", "Dew Drop, Fortune Coins", "Weak Bait", "Standard Bait", "Flawless Bait", "Herring", "Carp", "Catfish" and "Tropical Fish" obtained for this week need to be spent this week, once the events end, the “Spin”, "Hammer", "Wish Credits", "Summer Badges", "Dew Drop, Fortune Coins", "Weak Bait", "Standard Bait", "Flawless Bait", "Herring", "Carp", "Catfish" and "Tropical Fish" you didn't use will be reset to 0 once the events end. Remember to use them in time!

Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!

All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise.

Thank you for all your support to us,

Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Rinzļer on 2019-07-24 23:55:59.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 202
  • Posts: 149
On 2019-07-24 19:22:58Show All Posts

Events News: Fukurokumaru's Deals will be up to 25K milestone and will have 100x Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] from the acĉumulative milestones collectively.

This post was last edited by Rinzļer on 2019-07-24 19:42:32.
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