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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 18th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 20
  • Posts: 252
On 2019-07-18 02:52:21Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-07-18 00:41:00
  • Went through all the events that people wanted to see for 3rd anniversary and here are the numbers.

    3v3 Arena - 1

    Anniversary Red Envelope - 16

    Assist link Rebate: 1

    Battle Armor Panic Buy - 8

    Battle Armor Rebates - 8

    Charm Rebate - 27

    Colorful Balloons - 7

    Crazy Slot Machine - 3

    Daily Recharge - 2

    Dancing Capsule - 1

    Days of Welfare - 1

    Everlasting Bonds - 1

    Fateful Choice - 19

    Fishing Mania - 2

    Fuku Rebate - 61

    Great Plates - 31

    Infinite Tsukuyomi Rebate - 2

    Ino Flowers - 2

    Konoha's Outlet - 11

    Konoha Great Tree - 18

    Lucky Board - 30

    Lucky Sn*atch - 5

    Lucky Stars Wheel - 8

    Mega Carnival - 14

    Missions General Mobilization - 17

    Myoboku Trial - 52

    Naruto's Birthday Party - 6

    Naruto's Froggy - 5

    Kakashi's Ninjustsu Hand Sign Event - 2

    Platinum Recharge - 1

    Recharge Rebate - 6

    Refine Rebate - 12

    Sakura's Gift - 33

    Shinobi Feast - 7

    Spring Matsuri - 2

    Summer Holiday - 1

    Summon Rebates - 3

    Tailed Beast Attack - 1

    Time Limited Shop - 3

    Time-Limited Ninja Recruitment - 6

    Treasure of the Sage - 13

    Total Recharge Rebate - 18

    Total Spending Rebate - 14

    Wheel of Fortune - 8

    Wishing Lantern - 13

    Top 8 events are:

    Fuku Rebate

    Myoboku Trial

    Sakura's Gift

    Great Plates

    Lucky Board

    Charm Rebate

    Fateful Choice

    Konoha Great Tree and Total Recharge Rebate tied.

    With those being the majority of what players wanted to see only 3 of them were chosen. So what was the point of the having players post what events they wanted to see if majority of what players wanted weren't added? There is nothing worth spending into for fuku. At least add lucky board or great tree in.

This, freaking THIS. You guys are just a joke.

"We can say unequivocally that no plant has existed, or will ever exist within Naruto online.- Daiske"

Kinda makes your claim very hard to believe if you guys never follow through with literally ANYTHING, eh?

Quicky Post

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