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recharge disabled servers


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On 2019-07-17 17:00:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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When finally game developers will make servers where recharge function is disabled ?

respectively - completely honest servers!

Or, in games, developers are only interested in money!

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On 2019-07-17 17:09:38Show this Author Only

A company's job is to earn money.

So there will never be a server with a disabled recharge function.

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On 2019-07-17 17:25:39Show this Author Only

Pretty much what RenjiAsuka is saying.

I hope you realize that the game wouldn't exist or would have to shut its server(s) down if people suddenly stopped recharging.

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On 2019-07-17 19:10:57Show this Author Only

Only a few servers are needed.

There are many players who haven't paid a cent at all.

But there is a guarantee that there will be no one who will be able to spoil the game thanks to his mother's purse.

I fully agree that the goal of the game developers is to make money, but now that you have enough money you will be the strongest - much stronger than the person whose hands grow from the right place.

If you want to pay - don't choose such servers where the problem is?

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On 2019-07-17 19:44:45Show this Author Only

Of course, cashers are stronger than f2p, after all that is exactly what p2w players want. - more power, getting content waaaay earlier than the rest of players AND being able to rank very high. Some people even get a push because they feel superior with all that power and super cool and strong ninjas.

You see, f2p games heavily rely on those players that are willing to pay money, so of course they get some luxury for that in return. It's just something f2p have to understand. You might consider it unfair because you get your *** beaten on a daily basis but people that invest money into a game of course want something in return for that.

With every new server coming online, it's an 99% guarantee that there will be (heavy) cashers because of above stated reasons. So a simple "hey choose that server instead of this, because we f2p hate getting wrecked by you guys" is not really an option, you know? People are free to spend their money however they like so it's not like you can tell them to just stop recharging.

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On 2019-07-17 19:54:33Show this Author Only

Fun fact.

My account was (still kind of is for the most part) a F2P account. However, I'm 204k sitting on Edo Hiruzen, Edo Itachi, Shisui as my best team.

I didn't spend a single cent on picking up any of those ninjas. I dropped 10k in Wheel of Fortune, it gave me 30 frags of Edo Hiruzen at 5k (the point ac*ulate like rewards not the ranking part). Then spent about 6 or so months getting the rest of the frags. And I did get him. Then I saved up 20k thanks to only jonin medal, then in Konoha Great Tree, I picked up my Edo Itachi frags.

Meanwhile, only 3 times have I got my Jonin Medal thanks to my GF. That should tell you something.

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2019-07-17 19:55:02.
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On 2019-07-17 20:19:04Show this Author Only
  • fdsfsfsfs On 2019-07-17 19:10:57
  • Only a few servers are needed.

    There are many players who haven't paid a cent at all.

    But there is a guarantee that there will be no one who will be able to spoil the game thanks to his mother's purse.

    I fully agree that the goal of the game developers is to make money, but now that you have enough money you will be the strongest - much stronger than the person whose hands grow from the right place.

    If you want to pay - don't choose such servers where the problem is?

The problem is that no aware or sane of mind f2p would choose the servers with p2p if those servers existed and then what would p2p do? Fight exclusively among themselves besides xserver features?

That said i agree that oasis heavily mishandle f2p and that should exist events where if you pay you simply can't take part in. Beware, those events should necessarily be worse than p2p ones, but at least would give the idea they care.

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On 2019-07-17 20:54:51Show this Author Only

you must be new here i can tell that.

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On 2019-07-17 21:46:57Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2019-07-17 20:19:04
  • The problem is that no aware or sane of mind f2p would choose the servers with p2p if those servers existed and then what would p2p do? Fight exclusively among themselves besides xserver features?

    That said i agree that oasis heavily mishandle f2p and that should exist events where if you pay you simply can't take part in. Beware, those events should necessarily be worse than p2p ones, but at least would give the idea they care.

Uhh, maybe you should you know, get over the idea that f2p and p2w are a bad thing.

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On 2019-07-18 01:18:19Show this Author Only

Had you seen a gacha game disable their in-app purchase?

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On 2019-07-19 16:34:43Show this Author Only
Note: Sorry,the post does not exist or has been deleted
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On 2019-07-20 03:27:47Show this Author Only

hmm interesting why my post was delated ?

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On 2019-07-20 03:30:15Show this Author Only

i think about true

i asked - there is a question in naruto online game

  1. To train to be able to get Sasuke back, what does Naruto do? Answer: Practices Really Hard

but real ansquer must to be

  1. To train to be able to get Sasuke back, what does Naruto do? Answer: Recharge, recharge 1000 $ every day

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On 2019-07-20 08:02:30Show this Author Only
  • fdsfsfsfs On 2019-07-17 19:10:57
  • Only a few servers are needed.

    There are many players who haven't paid a cent at all.

    But there is a guarantee that there will be no one who will be able to spoil the game thanks to his mother's purse.

    I fully agree that the goal of the game developers is to make money, but now that you have enough money you will be the strongest - much stronger than the person whose hands grow from the right place.

    If you want to pay - don't choose such servers where the problem is?

Well then do not pay and do not play is best option for you right now.Tell me what is wrong with that oasis is demanding money to become stronger. This is not a welfare organization. And let me clear the fact that i am also f2p. Stop thinking from only your view and for your in-game benefit, oasis is using this game to earn money so what is wrong with that.

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-07-20 08:10:21.
  • Registered: 2019-02-11
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On 2019-07-20 11:26:39Show this Author Only

The problem is again what Renji said but more to the point the game is free an people can eventually prrogres ebcause of the cash. Disabling or makign a server where that entire theory is thrown out is not only redundant to the business model of 90% of Browser games but would also make it again boring an you would stil lget your ass kicked by f2p's who either stack or save better and then you would * about that.

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On 2019-07-20 14:36:33Show this Author Only

so you want to live in a fantasy world. and you want it to be kept maintained by the financial support from the people we call whales or p2ws. . enjoy the game the way you want but don't go ignoring the way it works. as a pure f2p or small spender who goes with monthly cards or a medal at best you're just enjoying the game in your own reality.

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On 2019-07-21 12:11:57Show this Author Only

Would be interesting, but pretty pointless as it would never happen.

Quicky Post

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