Lucky board - Uchiha Shisui, Tobirama [Edo Tensei] or even Naruto [Sage of Six Paths]
Great tree - Uchiha Shisui, Tobirama [Edo Tensei] or even Naruto [Sage of Six Paths]
Fukurokumaru's deals - 25k or 30k with Naruto [ Sage of Six Paths ], Konan [Angel of God] or even Hiruzen [Edo] (again)
We need more f2p ways to get the ninjas from the current me
SERVER ID : UK S1180: Back Slice
UID: 300008402959155
Character name: Ninja
New Ninjas Added
Shisui Uchiha [Kimono]
Sasuke Uchiha [Kimono]
Itachi Uchiha [Kimono]
Konan [Angel of God]
Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths]
Madara Uchiha [Great Ninja War]
Kakashi Hatake [Susano’o]
Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei]
Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear]
Madara Uchiha [Founder]
Hiruzen Sarutobi [The Third Hokage]
Hashirama Senju [Edo Tensei]
Pain [Tendo]
Mei [Fifth Mizukage]
Scarlet Blaze [Earth Element]
Midnight Blade [Wind Element]
Azure Fang [Lightning Element]
Crimson Fist [Fire Element]
Breeze Dancer [Fire Element]
Tsunade NPC
Feature Update: Dialog boxes requesting players to join teams or accept fight challenges will no longer be modal dialog windows. Players will be able to continue as they were without being forced to interact with certain pop-up requests.
1. Infinite Tsukuyomi Special Rebate (Madara Uchiha [Founder])
2. Great Plates (ultimate prize: itachi [kimono]; frags that can be gained from spinning: sasuke [kimono] and shisui [kimono])
3. Days of Welfare (Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear])
4. Konoha's Great Tree (Kakashi Hatake [Susano’o])
5. Kakashi Ninjutsu signs (Kakashi Hatake [Susano’o] fragments)
6. Fukurokumaru's Deals (Konan [Angel of God])
7. Myoboku Trial
(7/18: Coins*50000, Optional Bond Scroll*2,Experimental Vial*2
7/19: Bell*6, Mount Myoboku’s Gift*15, Treasured Tools Rare Essence*1
7/20: Myoboku Grasp*12, Two Chimes*10, Experimental Protection Vial*1
7/21: Coins*50000, Random Magatama Lv3*3, Pain [Tendo] skillbook/breakthrough Prompt mystery*1
7/22: Mood Scroll*2, Two Chimes*1, Hiruzen Sarutobi [The Third Hokage]+1 Skill Book/breakthrough
7/23: Purification Rune*5, Cultivation Rune*2000, Mei [5th Mizukage] +1 Skill Book/breakthrough
7/24: Coins*50000, Cave Keys*44, Hashirama [edo-tensei] skill-book/breakthrough*1)
8. Time Limited Charm Rebate
The Reason: For the things I'm looking forward to and speaking with others on what they want to see in the events/features. And since anniversaries are usually special events/times, the events/features should be just as special.
Server ID: 1094
UID: 300051388577306
Character name: Jashin Cleric
1. Fukurokumaru Deals: Angel Konan
2. Lucky Stars Wheel: Itachi Kimono for points
3. Mt Myoboku Trial: skillbooks for .... Ginkaku?
Server ID: 696
UID: 300059578414996
Character Name: IAmElectriczZ
Reason: Many f2p players have their coupons to spend especially for fuku deals. Itachi Kimono seems to be a nice support ninja which many would like to see available for points in an f2p event. Skillbooks for a ninja which would be decent to have for example Ginkaku, he isn't too bad.
1. "Total Recharge Rebate"(naruto [sage of the six path])"
2. "Total Spending Rebate" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
3、"Sakura's Gift" training flags and potions, Itachi edo frags, sakura summer or ino summer frags
4、"Missions General Mobilization" with Hokage Minato frags
5、 "Fateful Choice" with Sasuke rinnegan frags ,Madara 5k frags
6、"Treasure of the Sage" with Shisui frags ,edo Minato frags
7. "Fuku deals" madara gnw frags with training potion packs.. refine rune packs, bells packs, gold essence
8. New ultimate training or chakra training can be added with better additional rewards like coupons or potions or tactics packs
9. Mt myobuku with Kakashi susano frags, mt myobuku packs
Any new events will be fun too.
Reason: the game needs all ninjas for fair balance and fun.. plus stuff for raising power is needed and would let us play better.
Server ID : s912
UID: 300022967689672
Character name: YuzuruUchiha
1. Great Plates (Ino [Summer])
2. Myoboku Trial (Shikamaru skills)
3. Refine Rebate
4. Fukurokumaru Deals (Itachi [Kimono])
5. Fateful Choice
6. Lucky Sna*tch (Konohamaru [Shippuden] and Minato Namikaze [Edo Tensei])
7. Narutos Froggy
The reason - I'm in love with all kind of control chaos ninjas and really like Minatos designe.
Server ID: 1272
UID: 200000098085654
Character name: Afterman
1.Mission general mobilization (Naruto [sage of six paths])
2.Sakuras gift (Anbu Yamato, Kushina [Angry Mode])
3.Time-limited Ninja Recruitment (Naruto [sage of six paths])
4.Myoboku Trail (Duy might login)
5.Lucky boared (Tsunade [Yound adult])
6.Wishing Lantern
7.Mega carnaval, (extend pls)
8. Faithful Choice (Naruto [sage of six paths] and Sasuke [rine sharengan]
[pls im not jk abt naruto frags add in pls]
Server ID:S3-Sakura
username- *XTentacion there is 3 X then Tentacion noooo space
ty oasis
1. Lucky stars Wheel:-For the spins: x2 3 Lucky star,5 Lucky star,10 Lucky star,1 fragment of Itachi Uchiha [kimono],5 mood scrolls ,2 Cultivation Pill and Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] 80 fragments (i'll be so thankful if you made it 100 or more) -For redeem rewards:Ninja Assist Optional Pack,1 fragment of Konan[Young Adult] ,5 Command Flag fragments,1 fragment of Yagura[Edo tensai],1 fragment of Giant Clam and 10 Cave Keys
2.Fukurokumaru's Deals: 25,000 Coupons/Ingots Maximum. I would say having Konan [Angel of God], Itachi Uchiha[Edo tensai], or maybe Sasuke [RinneSharingan] are a good Ninja to give
The Reason:Its Just So F2P Players Have a Chance to Get The New me
Server ID:S7:Neji
Character name:FLAWLESS
1. Anniversary Fukurokumaru's Deals 25k: Huge power up items only (Special Advanced Runes Packs, Special Charm Materials Packs, Super Ninja Cultivation Packs, Treasured Tools Essences and Red Scrolls Packs - every pack with huge increase of numbers of given items) /OR/ Itachi Uchiha (Kimono) as top milestone ninja, with decent power up items in other milestones. Ingots packs with only power up items.
2. Anniversary Myoboku Trial - login reward advanced experimental vitals and advanced experimental protection, Might Duy fragments/ Samui Swimsuit frags
3. Anniversary Red Envelopes
4. Anniversary Lucky Board - on board rewards rare summons fragments (3 or 4) / super rare ninjas fragments (1 or 2) / training potions (10) / coupons (50); claimable ninjas: Hiruzen Edo Tensei, Angel Konan; items: Ninja Assist Cultivation Packs
5. Anniversary Refine Rebate (with extra anniversary 1000 milestone) with Time-limited Refinement
6. Time-limited Charm Rebate
7. Anniversary Total Recharge Rebate: 100 Minato Edo Tensei / 100 Kakuzu Earth Grudge / 80 Itachi Kimono as top milestone; player choice; other milestones with power up items only
8. Anniversary Lucky Stars Wheel: 40/80 Minato Edo Tensei frags on the wheel, or/and 5 Naruto Ronin frags , or/and 20 Kushina Uzumaki Habanero frags, or/and 10 Ay 4th Raikage frags. (2 ninjas offered on the anniversary wheel) Rewards to claim: 30 Training Potions Packs, Ay 4th Raikage/ Kushina Uzumaki Habanero frags, maybe some new extra anniversary clothing available only during one week (+150 critical +200 initiative +250 injury)
Reason: Super rare ninja offered to F2P players for once at anniversary (Itachi Kimono), with a need to spend 25k coupons to get him seems as good idea. Not so many players have that much coupons stacked, which still makes obtaining him difficult. Many players needs some more frags to recruit Might Duy and upgrade stars of Samui Swimsuit, giving some more for free could make the players happy. Updated Lucky Board would be great for the players. Red Envelopes + Total Recharge with ninjas to breakthrough (Kakuzu), Bond Skill (Minato), newest super rare ninja (Itachi Kimono) would let the spenders plan their spending and choose 1 of proposed ninjas depending on their choice. 1000 milestone in refine rebate, with great rewards at this point would make all the players happy for anniversary, just adding something special there. Charm rebate to use the charms obtained from Fuku Deals and saved ones from the other cycles. Lucky Stars with 2 different ninjas or their fragments on 1 wheel would be well received during anniversary. The main reason of those chosen events would be benefiiting both F2P players and spenders at the same time, and just make all the players cheerful and satisfied.
Server ID: S115
UID: 200000088691155
Character name: PeachOverlord
- Lucky stars or Lucky of Wheel , [Edo Itachi or Kakashi Susanoo]
- Time-Limited recruitment , [Edo Tobirama, Edo Hiruzen or Angel God Konan] and [Advance Optional pack, Charm pack and Puppy wishes or Christmass Clothing]
- Naruto ramen event like before , [Hidan Deathpossession blood or Youth Sannin Optional pack and Heart limited attack packs]
- Myoboku trial, Konoha tree or Wishing Lantern [Skillbooks or Skill Trial annoucement] [Potion optional pack or Make is as redeemable on Groceries store would be appreciated.
- Lucky Board, [Konan Youth, Edo Minato or Tsunade NPC] [Refine optional, Experimental trial]
- Fukurokumaru deal [Edo Deidara, Power stuff etc]
Added some redeemable ninja pack is good too like [Summer Girl Opotional pack] Are good.
Is it Battle armor Level just stuck at level 27 for whole time? Cause everyone had a lot advance clothing actually. Preety good if it really happen
[Update or Adding Stuff Power on Groceries store]
At least but not last, Thank you for experience of Naruto Online and Happy anniversary 3 YEARS. OASIS!
Server ID: Lost Memories [S379], Tsunade Whereabout [S394]
Character Name: Monalisa, Milaena.
1、"Total Recharge Rebate (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
2、"Total Spending Rebate" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
3、"Sakura's Gift"(Training Potion) (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
4、"Lucky Sn*atch"(*x) (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
5、"Missions General Mobilization" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
6、 "Fateful Choice" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
7、"Summon Rebates" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
8、"Battle Armor Panic Buy" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
9、"Battle Armor Rebates" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
10、"Treasure of the Sage" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
11、"Wishing Lanterns" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
reason : why not . great ninja 10/10 . you're welcome
server ID : s770 gamakichi
UID : 300039653989400
i personally think that because it is the 3rd anniversary ( i have been playing since the first year) they should make a huge deal and instead of having six path naruto costing 20k + (ingots/coupons) but maybe having him 5k with HUGE rebates !!! itll keep people from leaving the game and would be so much easier and fun but 5k just so you dont see everyone with him because then he'll become too common . but only have the event open for like 1 day !!! i remember they gave out sailor sakura and playboy sasuke 80* fragments for like 7 points which were easy to obtain , and if you wanted 5 star you could go and use like 100 coupons to buy the points !! i still have 50 sailor sakura fragments left !! the event only lasted a couple hours i believe ! and me playing for that long has had really bad luck !!! possibly because i play for hours everyday lol , but iwould love to be able to obtain a super rare ninja or even more !!!
1 - "Furukumaru's deals" (20k with Angel Konan and some power items)
2 -"Great Plates Event" (Hokage Minato as a prize for 22k cps)
3 - "Konoha Great Tree" (Edo Minato)
The Reason: It will be nice for those who already got the amount of cps to get a good combo team, because for example as a low lvl account like my account, this could change the game for us. In plus, we purchased ingots in order to be able to get good ninjas. At least this would be nice to get.
Server ID: s1260
UID: 200000091451266
Character name: Fefy
1、"Total Recharge Rebate"(Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear])
2、"Total Spending Rebate" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
3、"Sakura's Gift"(Training Potion)
4、"Shinobi fest" ( Gaara kage Skill Break book )
5、"Fukurumaru Deal " ( Naruto Rounin )
6、 "Fateful Choice" ( Naruto six and Sasuke Rinnegan )
7、"Konoha Great Tree" ( Itachi Edo )
8、"Charm Rebate"
The Reason: Fukurumaru deal event + Konoha Great tree event is good. fast to lvl 6 world tree
Server ID: 84 ( Samui ) HK
Character name : SinneR
1) Myoboku trial: Skillbooks for Gaara Kazekage2) Sakura's Gift (Itachi edo, Naruto Sage of the six Paths)3) Missions General Mobilisation: Minato edo, Konan angel of god4) Wishing latern events: Deluxe Myoboku pack5) Refining Rebates6) Summon Rebates7) Battle Armor rebates8) Lucky wheel (With kushina, new year cloth, tactics, gamariki, runes, cave keys)
So we have weekly strong ninja: Naruto sage of 6p, Itachi edo, Minato edo and Konan
Also with myoboku trial we can get kazekage gaara skiilbreak faster
I am not placing any recharging plans cause this is more equal for the players who are f2p
Thanks Admin
Server ID :S862 Scrool of facing l HK
UID :UID:300067552360128
Character name : G4vRidwan
1. "Furukumaru's deals" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
2. "Konoha Treasures" (Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] )
3.Myoboku Trial
4.Wishing Lanterns
5. Charm Rebate
6. Anniversary Red Envelope
7. Konoha Great Tree
8. Great Plates
9. Fateful Choice
The Reason: these are the most favorite events most of the players I know want
Server ID:S1281 :Ninjutsu Research
Character name: 육도☯마다라
Please add East Konoha shop and Tsunade Skillbook NPC soon
1: Missions General Mobilization ( AG Konan, Edo Tobirama, Hana Style, Kage Optional pack....)
2: Shinobi Feast
3: Myuboku Trial
4: Great Plates (RHH Kushina, Kisame Fusion Mode..)
5: Charms Rebate
6: Wishing Lantern
7: Sakura Gift (Command Flag, Heartless Pack, Edo Minato)
8: Fukorukomaru Deals (for the people saving coupons for the last age and getting impatient about it not being added)
Server ID: S57- Animal Path
UID: 200000085635776
Name: Davitaru
1. Fukurokumaru Deals: Angel Konan
server id: 1022
Character Name: Yahiko
1、"Fukurokumaru´s deals"(Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
2、"Total Spending Rebate" (Naruto[Sage of the Six Path])
3、"Sakura's Gift"(Konan [Angel of God], Minato Namikase [Edo Tensei])
4、"Lucky Sn*atch"(*x)
5、"Missions General Mobilization"
6、 "Fateful Choice"
7、"Great Plates" (Minato Namikase [Edo Tensei)]
8、"Treasure of the Sage"
The Reason: I Think, that they are the events that we all want =)
Server ID:
UID: S148: Tortoise | NY
Character name : UltraSadik
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