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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 11th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-10 21:36:12Show All Posts

Where is froggy?!?!?!?!?!?! Srsly do you all just NOT listen to the people. I get the no fuku deal cause normally froggy comes in first. But srsly. And charms rebate for those who count on that. When players said they needed more cave keys they did NOT mean the rebate they meant more keys cheaper keys. Srsly at lease some how add the froggy. And you sooooo should had warned people bout the cave key event because i know a lot of people yesterday that spent coups or ignots to cover the rest. Will you be giving those players back what they spent. Common sense goes a long way.

Kuddos thou on kage gaara skill trail. Its your only saving grace this week.

P.S just add the darn froggy event at lease TO keep some of your players. Happy players are better then not so happy players.

Quicky Post

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