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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 13
  • Posts: 153
On 2019-07-03 21:53:33Show All Posts

>but we believe this would bring new and fresh air to the game.

The game is finally getting to the point where backrow survives and matters because of the Ninja Assist feature. The only thing this update would provide is Move 1 oriented teams to be more dominant once again and it shall remain that way for a long while for everyone but the 0.01% of the players mostly because of the outrageous cost getting even your move 2 up to level 14 runestones to be able to compete.

The trend of raising the cap on old BP systems is ridiculous and just makes the developers look like they want a quick buck. I'm sure no one would bat an eye if this was implemented as a new BP system and didn't cost an outrageous amount such as keys and refines do. I fail to see who this is being marketed to since not even the #1 ranked player on EN has maxed out keys on m2, let alone m3 and m4.

Quicky Post

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