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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 8
On 2019-07-03 22:50:42Show All Posts

Hello i would like say a few things as well, sadly now you guys are thinking about TOP players or few ppl who push for those changes, not whole comunity, which is kinda sad. Game is created by whole comunity, spenders but also f2p players, i know big company has to earn, but not this way. People giving feedback almost every week, why can't you guys listen us for once ? We are telling you, we dont want more refines, we dont want more runes. Let us play this game in a bit more interesting way, with all ninjas alive in the field, not pos 1 only, this way game be more enjoyable. For once i ask, read comments, stand in our shoes and think in what direction you are heading, because it's more noticable, that you are losing players, because of these decisions.

Quicky Post

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