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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-10-19
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 34
On 2019-07-03 23:44:06Show All Posts

I'm strongly opposed to the rune upgrade. This change is pointless. All it does is devalue the achievement of lvl12 runes for f2p/lowspending players and gives 1% of the 1% an actual feature. Please stop using us as as experimental material for CN. EN servers are nowhere near ready for these advancements, cause you could count people that have even 2 positions maxed on one hand. The treasure tool change was also a terrible decision, since mathematically it's pretty much unreachable within any reasonable amount of time. Right now maxing out a position is a grand challenge as a f2p player, but it's possible if you're smart with your spending. As a p2w player, it still requires some thought put into your spending. And that's a good thing. With the new tool/runes/refines that's just a completely unreachable goal for f2ps and an incredible money sink for only the biggest of whales.

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