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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-03 23:30:46Show All Posts

s2, almost 550k bp. and i dont want these runestones. the reasons are many and as follows:

I don't want to keep finishing features just to see them get extended as it feels like my progress is going backwards.

This system isn't worth enough bp to convince me to spend into it anyway so it will just sit there and wait like it has been(i only get the free keys for moon scrolls)

I only interact with the system 1 day per month, the rebate day, so adding more levels changes nothing about the game in my interactions with it. I will still only interact with this system 1 day a month even if they get added so its definitely not "a breath of fresh air"

I still haven't finished all of my ninjas, I got my m1 to lvl 12s and my m2 to lvl 11s then decided to work on my m3/4 to increase their survivability, so even without this feature update i still need to spend into the system to fini*. So again nothing changes by adding it and it wont convince me to spend on it.

If it goes up I WILL break my m2/3/4 runes up to max my m1 day 1 to keep my m1 as strong as possible, and at current rates i should have enough to max my 1 anyway, so sure my m1 gets stronger but the other 3 get weaker and i lose total bp even if i kill people faster it will make the fights that are closer to the same level last longer because we will 1shot each others backrows easier and it will end up a 1v1 again instead of a 4v4.

passive systems that I only interact with 1 day a month are not fun, the fun systems are things that I interact with every fight, things that change how fights work like the summon systems did adding summons as chases and letting us summon on myst use for additional effects. Those types of things are fun and the things I want to see more of, adding new summons to use on myst would be a lot better than adding more levels to something I only interact with 1 day a month.

New skill books and mutations that let old ninjas become interesting or possibly even useful would be better too, the tsunade npc so we can get the books for those ninjas that aren't worth trying to farm but I want to finish for the sake of collecting would be good as well since at least I would interact with her every day even if it is only for a minute, thats still better than once a month. Also I could use her to get rid of the duplicates of books you guys gave us in events.

I stopped spending 6 months ago because my bp was so much higher than every1 else on my server that there were no more fun fights, Even now very little has changed, rune stones wont be something the lower powered players use to catch up to me, if anything it will cause them to fall further behind me as they push everything into their m1 to try and follow the m1 metas, which means they lose more bp than and i 1 shot their backrows like its nothing. There has been nothing I needed to get or that was fun enough to even look at spending for, its all passive systems I wont look at for weeks at a time or ninjas that wont change the current meta(i'm only missing 11 ninjas at the moment anyway), there is no need for me to spend and updating rune stones wont change that, updating runes stones may in fact make me less likely to spend.

Quicky Post

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