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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-04 11:54:40Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2019-07-04 05:02:57
  • "New and fresh air to our bank accounts....."

    There, fixed it for you. This doesn't help the majority of the players at freaking all. This does NOTHING but add incentive for whatever whales left to spend.....but I've got news for you, they are quitting too. Instead of trying to continually milk the cow, how about feeding it once in a while, eh?

    What really pisses me off about you and your attitude is that you TRULY BELIEVE that THIS is what has been missing and will "add fresh air" to the game....


    How about Tsunade NPC? Oh wait....we actually need to you ADD skill breaks and trials

    How about adding Skill breaks/trials....oh wait.....we need to make them 4/5 star for that

    How about lowering the requirement for......oh wait....then you cant sell fragments and milk us that way......

    How about adding the rest of the feature for 5.0....?

    .....or 4.0......

    Did.....did we ......even finish 3.0?? I don't even know anymore........


Quicky Post

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