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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-03 21:02:52Show All Posts

Once again, why add actually meaningful mechanics to the game that would make the game more fun such as more useful skill trials, while you can add something as * as new levels for runes, and i assume refines will come in the following month, that literally no1 wants, literally no1 has full upgraded runes, why add this to the game, to further alienate your player base ?

Lets add more rune/refine upgrades for the 0.001% super whales, while the rest of your player base will leave due to no relevant changes to the game whatsoever past 9 months, as its been only sosp, literally everyone is using sosp almost for a year now, but no, lets paywall any relevant counters for it that only super whales can afford, such as st for kakuzu, why make the game fun, when you can milk your whales until everyone quits which will be when the whales quit too, nice business strategy oasis, im proud of you.

A lot of people are leaving on my server, im talking about paying people that have high power, not f2p people, because they are bored as hell with the game, including me, if there will be no relevant change to the meta in the next weeks/months, and oasis will happily keep on adding money grabbing changes to the game, instead of anything that would make the game more fun, it will be the time i quit too.

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