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[ Events ] Events Cycle - July 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-04 13:17:42Show All Posts

I understand that Oasis needs to make money as a business. There is no question of that. However, as I have stated many times before through different means, there has got to be a form of balance between F2P and P2P members. Adding system after system that only pushes F2P members further and further behind creates a bottleneck in-game progress: Servers fail; Events (GNW/XGNW) have few members show up, and members quit. This happens even after the rush to save servers by merging them. Also, the paywall of meta teams and having to 4* ninjas for BT adds to the bottleneck syndrome.

P2P members are going to spend regardless of the new toys you offer. Regardless of it is because of power, the need to be #1, the urge to have the most toys, or just finishing a collection, their money will still be spent in the game. Go back and offer ninjas that haven't seen the sun in six months to a year or outfits. There are plenty of new P2P members that need these items too. Plus this allows your F2P member base to work on catching up.

Also, if the developers work on giving more of what the community wants, the community, in turn, starts talking more about the good things in the game. The PR goes up and so does the reputation of the game. When that happens, more players and then more chances to make more money. Hence, a win-win.

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