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[ Lineup ] How to beat SOSP Naruto?!


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  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-03 12:04:13Show All PostsDescending Order
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I havent been wanting to get that ninja, but they made him way more powerful than expected.

Anyyways, F2p and P2w suggestions welcome. thanks!

Also, heres what i know about SOSP Naruto, without ever even haves used him:

He regenerates a percentage of health when he damages other ninjnas

Mass interrupts up to 9 people with mystery

Has mystery pretty much every round as long as hes able to land a hit on a ninja with his standard

is immune to ALL debuffs, not even masked man or edo itachi can touch him. Kushina probably can though, not that it matters because he resets by next round.

and ummm... He has dodge

so yeah, hes basically the white tanooki of naruto as far as i can tell. Except even more powerful and usefull than that tanooki was in mario.

Thanks in ahise!

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This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2019-07-03 12:04:13.
  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-02 16:27:49Show All Posts
  • HolotheWiseWolf On 2019-07-02 14:55:03
  • Ah, how to fight 6 paths Naruto. There are two good ways to beat him. Make sure he never uses his mystery or use a mirror and healing lineup. 6 paths strength comes from his ability to heal for 25% every time he uses his mystery. I've seen nearly dead 6 paths go back to full hp in Gnw. It's honestly disgusting.

    So, how can you make him never use a mystery? Well, luckily there is a brand new ninja that can do both of the two ways to stop his mystery, Undodgable interrupt and increase mystery cool down, in other words, 4 star your shizuka. I honest laugh every time a 6 paths Naruto gets his mystery increased by 2 when my shizuka and gakido chase hits. Granted, the interrupt requires the 6 paths to be less than 30 Chakra, but for a free ninja, shizuka is pretty * amazing. Edo minato is also very good as well as Kakashi susanoo. If you have trouble going through those shields, madara 5 kage is good but Han is still a decent alternative as he also has super armor and an auto attack dodge. Stealing Chakra is another good way to pair with edo minato as it completely stops a 6 paths if you have initiative.

    2nd way, mirror. So if you cant stop him, use edo itachi, kurenai, or ningenedo. A lot of 6 paths strength comes from making one of your ninjas continuously immobiled. Use mirror to make sure that doesn't happen.

    3rd way, just get a crap load of power and do the opposite of p1 stacking, make sure your other ninjas don't die to the first few 6 paths mysteries.

Wow. Pretty impresive knowlege. guessing youre p2w. hahaha thanks for the suggestions breh. considering i only use water main and dont fuuck with Shizuka, kakashi susanoo would be one to consider.

This post was last edited by its thatboy on 2019-07-02 16:28:33.
  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-02 18:03:23Show All Posts

wow thanks scarlet. i read the whole thing. im just sleepy asss shiit, so i know i wont have a good response to your comment. Youre so righht about kushina, though. assuming one could get her mystery to cool down quickly to go off a lot. sosp teams are often the galaga ship formation layout with earth main, smh. thanks a lot breh.

  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-03 15:55:45Show All Posts


  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-05 17:36:56Show All Posts

that's funny. that's the exact team i was going to make months ago, but i loved masked man so much, and never tried edo itachi.

Jib Edit: Please be mindful of language on the forum. Thank you!

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2019-07-16 08:47:51.
  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-15 15:30:53Show All Posts

Thaat is true. maybe the female immune + debufff reflect and dodge of non immune + the resistance buff from minato is what helps. And the barrier that shisui gives.

Thats what im guessing would help.

Too bad I dont fudge with Breeze Dancer. I love seeing Hokage Minato teams.

This post was last edited by its thatboy on 2019-07-15 15:31:59.
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