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[ Strategy Share ] How to defeat kushina RHH within 10 rounds?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-18 22:46:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't have her, so I can't test for weakness against her. Her healing/resistance scales and fights can last up to 10 rounds. Anyone have tips for fighting her?

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On 2019-06-19 03:57:28Show this Author Only

Yeah, nuke her down in round 1 or 2.

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On 2019-06-19 10:31:10Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-06-19 03:57:28
  • Yeah, nuke her down in round 1 or 2.

Who would you use to do that?

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On 2019-06-19 11:57:49Show this Author Only
  • J Uzumaki On 2019-06-19 10:31:10
  • Who would you use to do that?

Light main blitz Lee breakthrough, shira ( if you are lucky)

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On 2019-06-19 12:15:43Show this Author Only
  • i rock On 2019-06-19 11:57:49
  • Light main blitz Lee breakthrough, shira ( if you are lucky)

Ah I was actually thinking about that, but I wasn't sure if it'd work or not.

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On 2019-06-19 14:40:30Show this Author Only


Kushina is really super tanky herself. In modes for example such as arena she's super easy to be nuked from heavy buffed fire element ninjas, for example Itachi Susano'o, because the elemental counter does add a additional percentage of damage which is almost equal to a critical hit. You sadly cannot do that in pvp, because of the element resistance. Shira, as above stated, is a very good option to nuke her down, since he is full Tai and he hurts a lot. Another option is to use Kushina yourself with Edo Itachi and Hokage Minato for example.

Or removing her Immunity to stop her does work in general. Another idea, you can run clones so she won't hit with her standard your main formation ninjas, get rid of the support ninjas of her and then you won

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On 2019-06-19 17:03:45Show this Author Only
  • Angel乄. On 2019-06-19 14:40:30
  • Heyo,

    Kushina is really super tanky herself. In modes for example such as arena she's super easy to be nuked from heavy buffed fire element ninjas, for example Itachi Susano'o, because the elemental counter does add a additional percentage of damage which is almost equal to a critical hit. You sadly cannot do that in pvp, because of the element resistance. Shira, as above stated, is a very good option to nuke her down, since he is full Tai and he hurts a lot. Another option is to use Kushina yourself with Edo Itachi and Hokage Minato for example.

    Or removing her Immunity to stop her does work in general. Another idea, you can run clones so she won't hit with her standard your main formation ninjas, get rid of the support ninjas of her and then you won

Shira or lee or mb blitz absolutely do not work against her outside arena, unless they are 100k power stronger! They hit her once, maybe starting a combo on her, and what happens at that point? She uses her reduced cd mystery on them making them immobile if correctly linked while also selfhealing.

@OP: her resistance doesn't scale up, that's one of her trials but we don't have them available currently. But yes her scaling critical hit rate actually may be even worse because once critical is stacked enough on her you simply cease to deliver critical hits on her that on our current gameplay is what actually make the damage.

So how do you counter her?

If she has breakthroughs is very hard (is not a case tobei put her as the god of wind) but the correct way to manage the fight against her is the following:

1) look at the enemy lineup and look at what ninja actually links her mystery to her chase and kill it asap.

2) use clones or dodging ninjas to avoid her standard attack

3) try to hit her the less possibile until the other 3 ninjas are dead.

P.S. If the ninjas that link her mystery and chase are itachi susano'o or edo tensei roshi the fight may be quite hard. If she is fully sb on passive healing and on passive selfstacking good luck.

Currently, since both are released, one of the most op lineups you can actually put in play in game for 1vs1, if you have both move 1 and 2 stacked, actually involves her and is the following one:

Wind main edo roshi edo yagura full sb (with y+1 chase)

X x kushina full sb

X x x

Talents: 32144 or 32344, summon: kirin, summon mystery: giant katsuyu

(you may eventually even put the whole top line in the bottom line making actually kushina move 1 and yagura move 2, but generally is better yagura move 1 because his mystery cannot be dodged and if the enemy has an annoying super armor ninja you get rid of it)

If you see it flee unless you have 50k power advantage.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-06-19 17:34:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-22 02:05:37Show this Author Only

Thank you all for the good responses. What seems to work for me was a combo of the suggestions which was to try not to hit her while killing off her supports. After that what remains from my team goes in on her. This works for people close to or at my power level.

For lower levels, I focus her, kill her first.

Thanks for your help

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On 2019-06-23 02:55:04Show this Author Only
  • J Uzumaki On 2019-06-19 10:31:10
  • Who would you use to do that?

I do it with Edo Hiruzen Blitz.

Most things die in round 1 or is heavily damaged to die in Round 2 from Shisui.

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2019-06-23 02:55:53.
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