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[ Lineup ] Rate My Team #1


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-20 18:18:26Show this Author Only
  • Nomiko On 2019-06-19 21:51:53
  • (i'm using post numbers, since i don't know how to do multiple quotes)

    #1 - It isn't a bad team, but i don't really see the purpose of pos 1 itachi other than wanting to stack him with your pos 1 gear, sasuke might be as well on your middle column to absorb more attacks and have more chances to chaos your opponents. As last, that team needs reflect, that isn't up to discussion, without it sasuke's passive will backfire and itachi's mystery will be a pain to use. I would Use FM hence. 3/5.

    #11 - seems quite good, interesting to see how hidan might play in the current meta with kakuzu, but whats the purpose of asuma WB? chakra? i dont think you even need chakra with EM there to be honest, and you also lack reflect or another buff removal for the likes of itachi edo. 3,5/5.

    #15 - Hiruzen in that team seems like a wasted spot in there, hes just buffing and about anything else, nagato - sasuke point towards a more control focused lineup, and you should hence have more sustain, maybe kakuzu BT would be better in there since he can interrupt, give 2 standards to sasuke, heal him, and lets you use inmunity passive on nagato BT, or even edo itachi in his place would be 100% better. EM with super armor passive would work better since that way you show no blind spots to your opponents nor chances to chase/chakra steal. 3/5.

    #16 - Gakido BT is 100% better for the lineup, 2/5.

    #19 - Don't use regular roshi on sosp teams, even less if you can't give sosp a double standard, roshi won't be able to trigger his chase, your chakra won't be enough to use him until rd 4, and in that formation he is not absorbing any damage or causing ignite, which is the only thing he could be helpful there. i will keep my belief that sosp teams don't need healing, that's an overkill and a waste, he has leech after all, also water main's dodge passive is much better than poison tai, specially if you have a fairly decent combo stat on her (outside arena). 1,5/5.

    I don't have teams i need rated, sorry

It isn't a matter of needing to be rated, its just something fun to do :P

Also the spots the ninjas are in are just so its easier to see the team.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-20 21:30:37Show this Author Only

Something that use to work for me, might help u out.1st pick a server then compare your lineup against the top 5 or around people your power range are using and see and compare how it would do against what ever lineup u make

By your lineup, i had to guess your power is around 165k which on my server would rank u around 61, i then in my mind compare your line up against the rank 60-65. Your lineup would win 1 match maybe 2

The lower you power the better your line up will do if i guess your power wrong

The Stronger u get, lineup like what u posted here wont exist.unless its arena or a troll or joke team

This post was last edited by Kirsten on 2019-06-20 21:31:11.
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