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[ PVP ] What is your most frustrating aspect of this game?


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-06-12 17:07:57Show All Posts

What i don't like is the fact the advantage who pays a lot gets is too big.

I am in no way against the fact who pays get an advantage (i pay too, just not that much) but oasis goal, since is so in many other games, should be that as long as you pay a lot you are ahead, but as soon as you cease to pay altogether within 2 months you should be reached by who pays a low amount and in 4 months by f2p.

So what frustrates me is the fact i know old whales that is almost 1 year they don't pay and do almost nothing in game that are still unreachable and with better ninjas than me, this shouldn't happen and the reason why most of them didn't recharge anymore is exactly that one, because they have no reason to.

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-06-12 18:47:08Show All Posts
  • JustSaying On 2019-06-12 17:53:21
  • Not true for most a f2p/low spender can catch up to a heavy spender within 6-12 months(100k power gap). Only exceptions would be people like Neo who are 200k-400k+ above the rest.Some just stack their resources and wait on powering up so competition can catch up (doesn't mean they are not paying).This is the best it has been for F2P, u know spenders had to buy keys using ingots ....think how many ingots it was for full lvl 8 from lvl 6.....I will wait..40k ingots....and no gold orbs either.Now f2p gets to have lvl 10 cave keys without having to pay 200k ingots+gets gold orbs?How about BA lvl 7? was about $1000 from lvl 6 to people can get for free? Advanced refines? 30k from lvl can get for free.Charms? had to buy with ingots...can get for free too+can get from rebates.20k ninja? free from wheels....200k+ ninja ? free from GNW+with time.

    The thing you are asking is like...someone working on Wall Street goes on vacation then a person working on mcdonalds should be able to catch up during that time. ...such ideals are nice in theory but even communist countries realize those are not practical/leads to laziness/less paying customers. Who would pay $100 to $1000 every month/week if your advantage is short lives...cost benefit *ysis? I am sure some don't mind,have seen some spending 1000 like 1 dollar but most whales are everyday people/some are doing low income jobs/working over time...just putting almost their paychecks into this game.More people paying =better it will be for f2p.You nerf events,people stop paying or they have to nerf f2p stuff to make f2p spend. Whales pay,gets rewards, use that rewards to stay ahead....however another whale can catch up if the current whale doesn't recharge. F2P can still compete equally in many events...and enjoy the summon,cat quiz,zenith,arena,9 tails,plunder,convoy,GNW(farming seals),training grounds,etc. Only event truly impossible for a f2p is ST top 3.

    Snip:F2p should compete with other f2p or low spenders if wants to be happy...and heavy spenders and f2p will not be in the same lvl unless the whale doesn't recharge for 6 months+. Game is a game of some would like to call....whales get it fast ...f2p get it few months later.

Sure, but the guy still has that 28k initiative/critical/injury/control move 1 and still destroys me by moving before me simply by using naruto six paths even if i caught up in total power.

That's the point, who cares if both now are 350k power and when he stopped recharging he was 320k and i was 210k.

I won't be able to win until i get another 100k.

No, what i ask is that also here happens what happens in any grinding game if you stop recharging for a while.

That is exactly what you pointed out like if was weird: increasing discounts over time for older features and increasing amount of them given out for free while adding new features that make close to be useless the old features unless you buy also the new ones.

In naruto online as you said is actually happening but too slowly, it should happen with 3 times the quickness currently is going on.

Because what you don't understand is that by doing so those guys i was talking about are not spending anymore now and neither I am spending more.

If instead they tell me that if i spend 500$ now i could beat those guys that stopped spending then maybe could be i do it and at that point also them, looking at the fact i began to own them like they used to own me they begin again to spend.

That's how those kind of games work.

All of them, besides naruto online.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-06-12 19:02:17.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-06-13 17:19:07Show All Posts
  • _Light_ On 2019-06-13 02:20:02
  • and this, i was online for the whole day on the 10th but forgot to click on the login T_T screwed up the whole months login Screenshot_14

You can do it, just not for free

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-06-18 16:17:51Show All Posts
  • Rozuka On 2019-06-17 23:58:30
  • Honestly I think my biggest annoyance is the lack of actual effort that comes from our version's dev team. To clarify I mean the one's who are actually implementing changes, not just forum and community admins, of which there are quite a few who go above and beyond.
    Rather it is just disappointing that the only "version exclusive" updates we tend to get are just super early ninja releases. Everything else is just half translated cut and paste coding...I get that there are probably things out of their control but I would love to see some actual effort put into a few things that they presumably can monitor. Such as making at least one or two of the cross server events power based rather than the lazy lumped server opening brackets they have now. For example, the very first sage world that opened up for our server had level 90+ players with over 200k power in them. There was no power or level barrier to even attempt to allow competition. It was just a slaughter, plain and simple.
    Now instead of just using, say, a 200 server range to set up cross server events like these, why not just make them like DB and go across all servers but have power brackets set up? You could still fill battlefields but also give many more players an enjoyable experience. Another example would be with DB, easy freaking change, make it somewhat like Matsuri. You just got stomped by a team you had no hope to even scratch? It *s but at least next fight we can lower the level/power range and give you a fighting chance.
    Furthermore, if they're really concerned that the massive spenders are going to quit over a few events being tuned to not allow them to curb stomp weaker players at EVERY juncture then they're just wrong. Sure they probably like to have those moments here and there so you can give them those moments. Make one day of sage/matsuri the current and then give the other 1-2 days the updated model. If you change DB to have said feature sure, they COULD have longer matchmaking but more than likely you would have volumes more participants so in reality matches come and go even faster. Like there are legit so many ways to make minute changes that would not only keep current players happy and engaged but also make it so new players don't drop within 2 weeks after launch.

    Before people get all whiny that I am being too one sided, I am not F2P by far. I'm probably nearly $3,000 in before first 2 months have even passed. It's just that I'm not some *bag who thinks because I have less financial responsibility at the time I am above other human beings. A game should be enjoyable on a wide scale. Spenders will always have an advantage but it doesn't mean you limit 90% of the games features to us. I would love to be part of a more lively server where people actually get on, chat and enjoy the game together. The game is already time consuming enough if you try and make all the events and daily quotas but at least with other people to chat with it feels less so.

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