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[ PVP ] What is your most frustrating aspect of this game?


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  • Registered: 2018-11-11
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On 2019-06-12 10:10:29Show All PostsDescending Order
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The game is fun.... but the worst part about it is being matched with people that have more ac*ulated power. I am server 1000+ and i get matched with server 1 players in Decisive Bonds... Obviously this is an auto-win for the other team. It doesn't matter what team i have, if they are all god level on the tier list.... i just can't win. This i have to admit is the first game where pvp was intentionally unbalanced so it makes me very frustrated, but i still find myself playing it. What about you guys? What is the most frustrating aspect of this game?

  • Registered: 2018-11-11
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On 2019-06-13 21:50:16Show All Posts
  • RoyalFlush37 On 2019-06-13 07:04:17
  • Whales acting like they deserve to be treated like gods only because they spent some money....

    For real, there are some players (many, actually) so full of themselves that they make me sick... I do not care what you do with your money, if you decide to spend it on a video game, gratz, it's your decision, but don't consider yourself superior to me only because of that.... we are all humans and this is just a video game after all....

    Also, most high bp players do not care at all about people asking for help... sometimes it gets to the point where if you're low bp you can't do certain events (3v3 arena for example, or sometimes even SA/TI) because no one wants to help you....

I personally don't think money warriors have have any reason to brag. Money means skill isn't required.... so stop bragging about the fact skill is irrelevant.

  • Registered: 2018-11-11
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On 2019-06-15 10:02:37Show All Posts
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