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bias against the Uchiha. 6 paths Naruto should be Nerf . Sasuke should be buffed


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  • Registered: 2019-04-05
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On 2019-06-09 16:18:26Show All Posts

yea!, sasuke should be as op as naruto, i mean they fought and they had equal power in the anime, i dont understand why did they made him so weak in this game ...

i think he is the weakest 20kcps ninja ...

  • Registered: 2019-04-05
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On 2019-06-09 19:16:16Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-06-09 18:09:30
  • Well...the game is called NARUTO ONLINE, not SASUKE ONLINE

    Also Ronins are Samurai without a master. Which utilizes swords. That is why its classified as a sword user.

even if it is naruto online, sasuke should be stronger, not stronger than naruto but at least strong, he is too weak there is alot of low price ninjas can defeat him

he doesnt worth 20kcoupons ....

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On 2019-06-10 08:29:08Show All Posts

its not should be based on the anime, but sasuke doesnt worth 20k cps, lower his price or buff him

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On 2019-06-13 02:39:13Show All Posts
  • firestarter On 2019-06-13 01:01:02
  • A fun topic--just want to explain why the anime may not be the best source for reasons to buff Sasuke. If we use the anime as a guide, Sasuke can't be on par with Naruto and here's why:

    1. In the final valley (earlier battle), he realized how much stronger Naruto was when he saw the Rasengan damage compared to his own.

    2. He had a tough time beating Orochimaru and the snake man couldn't even sign and was sick in bed.

    3. He got beat all the way up by Killer Bee. In three rounds he lost all three, even failing to capture Bee.

    4. He basically lost to Deidara--Dei's suicide aside. Lightning style is stronger against earth yet he had trouble dealing with Dei. He also had to summon Manda to escape Deidara's last technique. IOW his summon saved him, not his own technique.

    5. The last final valley battle after the last war, Naruto won.

    6. Naruto won more major battles than Sasuke did. Sasuke lost more major battles than Naruto.

    I list these even as a fan of Sasuke's in the game. In the game, a sb normal Sasuke is pretty good and I want the Rinne version too. But in no way should he or any of his other forms be in the same league as Naruto if we were to go by the anime.

we are talking about sasuke rinnegan not sasuke when he was fighting deidara or killer bee

and sasuke won against naruto in the first final valley battle, and in the second they draw, naruto didnt win, sasuke told him he has won bcuz naruto could change his mind,

not bcuz naruto is stronger

they both couldnt move in the end of the battle so how did naruto win ?

  • Registered: 2019-04-05
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On 2019-06-13 04:33:25Show All Posts
  • firestarter On 2019-06-13 03:03:28
  • The point in listing those battles was to demo that Sasuke has not been better than Naruto since the chunnin exams and that includes the final fight when he tries his best to kill Naruto. He's always a bit further behind Naruto even with the Rinnegan.

    The Ashura line has always been able to ultimately defeat the Indra line in battle despite Indra's line appearing more weapons and chakra savvy. The major fights between Naruto and Sasuke are no different.

hagoromo said naruto and sasuke are different from his sons, ashura line dont always win to indra line, naruto and sasuke were equal in power and the best proof their final battle was a draw

even kishimoto said they are equal, and he wanted to make them equal in power


This post was last edited by kiba inuzuka on 2019-06-13 04:43:40.
  • Registered: 2019-04-05
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On 2019-06-14 04:59:29Show All Posts
  • firestarter On 2019-06-14 01:46:27
  • Kishimoto himself said he never drawn Naruto at full power. The image here is pretty random too.

    With Sasuke, Naruto had to show restraint so as to not kill him. Sasuke also admitted defeat in the second fight:

    Think of it this way. Your friend attacks you in an attempt to kill you. You don't want to kill him, but you want to at least stop him and get him to rethink what he's doing. You manage to stop him even though you are both in the same physical condition in the end. Did you win, lose, or draw in the fight?

    Overall, Naruto is stronger than Sasuke

this image is random ?

this is a page of a supplementary guidebook that written by kishimoto

he said sasuke has equal power to naruto, why would you say naruto is stronger

everything that kishimoto say is correct, and you cant say other thing bcuz you arent the author

or do you know naruto and sasuke more than kishimoto ?

i mean you dont even know these supplementary guidebooks and you say this is a random image ..

This post was last edited by kiba inuzuka on 2019-06-14 05:00:54.
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On 2019-06-14 15:44:54Show All Posts
  • MrTank On 2019-06-14 07:53:17
  • so.... i just have a few points to raise.

    1) in the final battle, wasn't sasuke aiming to KILL naruto while naruto was just trying to defeat Sasuke? There's a pretty big difference b/w aiming to kill and aiming to capture alive. Despite this huge handicap, naruto won.

    2) sasuke's big powerups come from his eyes basically giving him overpowered jutsu. Naruto's powerups come from learning abilities/jutsu in a few days, that should have taken years for capable jonin, plus having Kurama's cooperation. In other words, Sasuke looks like he's limited by the extent of his dojutsu and his ability to apply them in battle. Naruto... doesn't really have a limit beyond his willingness/need.

    Then there's also the fact that Sasuke... basically relied on Naruto to overcome his 'hatred' for him. Naruto overcame not only his own hatred (his dark self), he also overcame Konoha's hatred/ostracization of him, as well as the Kyuubi's hatred. Mentally speaking, sure sounds like naruto > sasuke xD.

    Not saying that sasuke is weak... but its pretty hard to say sasuke is 'stronger' than naruto. Hell, if you break it down, the strongest genjutsu of sharingan (tsukuyomi) is useless against naruto b/c he's a jinchuriki synchronized with his biju. That leaves taijutsu, ninjutsu, senjutsu, and fuinjutsu. Naruto would outlast in taijutsu and ninjutsu (plus potential to learn alot more ninjutsu), he's better in senjutsu. Neither have shown much talent in fuinjutsu yet.

sasuke big power comes from his dojutsu?, it is a kekkei genkai, i mean he born with sharingan, it is his own power

not like naruto, he is nothing without kurama, and kurama isnt kekkei genkai, kurama isnt his own power, he wont be that strong if minato didnt seal kurama in him, sasuke got his power without sealing

i dont get why do you think naruto is stronger and kishimito himself the author of naruto said naruto and sasuke have equal strength

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On 2019-06-14 18:04:26Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2019-06-14 17:43:32
  • The fact sasuke in the end recognizes his power, either means 1 of the 2...either he's on the same level as sasuke, or sasuke recognizes naruto is stronger than him, which is the former in the boruto series, when sasuke mentions, only naruto can rival with his power, Kurama or no kurama, you need to admit naruto power comes from more than just learning at a fast pace, it comes from him changing people's hearts and minds, that was the intention of kishimoto all along, true power doesnt always comes from fists or kicks, but from the heart, and naruto showed to everyone how to overcome darkness.

but we are talking now about the strength, i mean you cant change someone's heart in the game

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