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why aren't they sword users and why is gnw madara not categorized as a leafNinja


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On 2019-06-05 05:45:31Show All PostsDescending Order
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On 2019-06-05 11:05:50Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2019-06-05 06:31:35
  • Just like masked man, Madara five kage summit, and tobi, you do not know the identity of GNW Madara up until it is revealed in the anime. That is why those characters won't be categorized as a leaf ninja. When we get obito, as the jinchuriki or any other version where we know it is him at that the time of the anime for this game, then he should be listed as a leaf ninja.

no he told everyone he was madara at that point everyone believed him and uchihas originate from the leaf the least they can do is add it in his category

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On 2019-06-05 11:21:39Show All Posts

edo itachi used his susano's sword to seal nagato so why is he not categorized as a sword ninja

susano itachi's standard is a swing from the susano sword he isn't categorized as a sword ninja

madara's mystery is a four bladed attack but hes not classified as a sword ninja and his ninja tool is a blade

gwn madara/obito uses the ninja tool yet he isn't categorized

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On 2019-06-05 19:22:56Show All Posts
  • kiba inuzuka On 2019-06-05 17:24:03
  • i think this is bcuz susanoo is just physical chakra, not real sword

he used a real sword against kabuto in the series

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On 2019-06-05 20:14:15Show All Posts
  • AzureNakata On 2019-06-05 19:49:58
  • the sword he used at that time in the series belonged to sasuke, not to him.

does it matter and the ninja tool obito use can be classified as a sword

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On 2019-06-05 20:21:57Show All Posts
  • Nomiko On 2019-06-05 20:20:35
  • From my understanding madara's weapons isn't a sword but a fan, and as the same as itachi, the sword belongs to his susanoo not to him.

he used it like a sword I just want the Konoha tag on gnw madara

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On 2019-06-05 20:25:17Show All Posts
  • Nomiko On 2019-06-05 20:20:35
  • From my understanding madara's weapons isn't a sword but a fan, and as the same as itachi, the sword belongs to his susanoo not to him.

ten ten uses the fan ninja tool madara doesn't

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On 2019-06-06 04:13:26Show All Posts
  • pizzas On 2019-06-05 20:36:14
  • I believe that Itachi's Totsuka Blade is actually not really a sword. The Totsuke Blade is a sort of liquid released from the gourd that Itachi wields and only forming into a blade like shape (according to the wiki at least)

    Plus I think it would be weird to call Itachi in his Susanoo form a Sword Ninja since I would only consider ninjas with an actual metal blade a sword ninja (including Orochimaru who has his snake sword stored inside of him, he's not using it with his hands most of the time though).

so if itachi beheaded someone like he did orochimaru serpent technically they weren't beheaded because its not a real sword

is that what you're saying

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On 2019-06-06 08:55:57Show All Posts
  • pizzas On 2019-06-05 20:36:14
  • I believe that Itachi's Totsuka Blade is actually not really a sword. The Totsuke Blade is a sort of liquid released from the gourd that Itachi wields and only forming into a blade like shape (according to the wiki at least)

    Plus I think it would be weird to call Itachi in his Susanoo form a Sword Ninja since I would only consider ninjas with an actual metal blade a sword ninja (including Orochimaru who has his snake sword stored inside of him, he's not using it with his hands most of the time though).

its still a sword if he c*e it to behead orochimaru serpent then its a sword

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On 2019-06-06 08:59:06Show All Posts
  • kiba inuzuka On 2019-06-06 07:18:38
  • kakashi also used his father's sword when he was kid, i think that also why they marked him as sword user

itachi used a sword when he was in the anbu

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On 2019-06-06 09:01:49Show All Posts
  • Nomiko On 2019-06-06 07:02:44
  • That might be because the base ninjas they are made of (asuma wb=reg asuma and susa kakashi=beheading sword kakashi) were sword users originally, same can be aplied to itachi were the one he is based of (akatsuki version) isn't an sword user... also technically asuma uses sword since its his chakra hes using and making shape of, while susanoos are more like... stands? i don't know.

    I don't fully understand it either tbh.

this is messed up he didn't even have the beheading sword at this point

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On 2019-06-07 19:30:15Show All Posts
  • _Light_ On 2019-06-07 03:31:05
  • it's not like you need that sword attribute, most of the op ninjas that are sword users are immune to debuffs one way or another and they can recieve additional buffs without needing a sword

a sword buff to my edo itachi + gnw madara that im planning to get would give others a lot of trouble + the Konoha attribute

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