S844 zico / Account:
Early this today's morning, i logged in, that time server really bad, can't do arena or survival trial, my seasonal rank got reset .
Here are my lost :
- I did open 10 wheels time ( 200 cps ) 8h30 - 9h30 a.m ( server time zone ) and got Minato Edo
- Did 950 cave keys rebate ( i reached 750keys rebate in Thursday already, today do 200 more )
- Lost 180 season tickets and my seasonal rank got reset to 0. From ranking 4 before in my server now im unranked.
And second account
S844 FangZ : ID : / UID : 300022622263981
- Lost seasonal rank , lost almost 250 season tickets ( ranked 5 before )
After the maintaine, 4h00 p.m i log again then everything like reset from the 0 point. There is only ninja exam is counted as i fini* in the morning . Others like Wheel fortune Minato Edo disapeared , cave keys rebate back to 750 ( but i can't see where is my 200 keys i used before ) . My seasonal rank still unranked , my season tickets lost , Rich Field need to do again ( even thought i did it alrd ) Myoboku Trial aswell , claim the monthly card's rewards aswell. It seem like you guys rolled the server then everything i did in today's morning just gone , i'm so disapointed and really upset, i hope you guys can check it for me. There is everything i can give to guys to see, as i said above, i did 10 times for each account ( zico and FangZ ) my points in that event for both accs are 12 points ( 10 wheel today + 2 free on thurs and friday ), now i only can see it counted on both accs are 2 times ( the 10 times today just gone ) .
I'm really thankful , please...
P/s : only maximum 3 pics can be upload, so i have some more pics about sessional rank - cave keys rebate if u guys needed.
Please reply me through jasperloveley@gmail.com . Many thanks.
Server number : S26-Kisame
Character name : B00BIT0
UID: 200000082554093
Location of Bug:
(1) Jonin Medal dropped to zero
(2) Season Ranking became unranked
(3) numerous other bugs
Bug Desc
(2) Season Ranking became unranked - my season ranking disappeared. every trophy/medal i worked for disappeared. I won champion in Space-Time (see image below), and even that disappeared
(3) numerous other bugs - i didnt take photos of these other bugs anymore but they are ALOT;. My TI resetted (as if I didn't do TI during the week); my SA counts resetted too; my myoboku trial resetted too; etc.
Bug Print Screen:
(1) Jonin Medal dropped to zero
(2) Season Ranking became unranked - all rewards i gained disappeared; and i am left unranked. For example, despite I am space-time champion in our server range, it was as if I didnt gain the reward at all.
above is proof that i went unranked
above is proof that i am space-time champion
above shows that all my trophy/medals disappeared. including the one related to me winning space-time championship
and pls fix all other bugs that I mentioned. this is seriously damaging
UID: 300068533192730
Server ID: S1249 Attacking Stance
Character name (in-game Name): Pana
Location of Bug: Jounin medal,weekly sun scroll home system rich field ninja exam
Bug Desc
Server number : 50
Character name : JackyChan
UID: 200000078710498
Location of Bug: Season System
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
UID :200000106606249
Server number : S414 :Final Trial
Character name : BluesMoon
UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000101101992
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) Daily Practice , Arena , Mail, Rich Field
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Server number : 1141
Character name : kolorijo
UID : 300021278043708
Location of Bug: jonin medal is gone , event season, sun scroll and moon scroll is reset, rich field not reset, ninja exam not reset, and arena ninja trial
Bug Desc
- arena ninja trial always show after fight and show with ridiculus time
ninja exam cant reset
Bug Print Screen
sun and moon scroll should not reset yet. SA should not reset yet,,, and my coupon and jonin medal has gone,, i dont remember how long time left my jonin medal active as i know i buy it for 1 year in 5 days after server open.
Server number : S491
Character name : flashstep
UID : 200000091126758
Location of bug: group join/leave/non-existing, arena trial ninja
Server number : S367 :Fourth Mizukage
Character name : Lucy17
UID : 200000099220734
Location of Bug: Spring Season,daily mission
Bug Desc
moon and sun scroll become zero
Bug Print Screen
Server number: S32-Anko
Character name: ≈Azia≈
UID : 200000084888687
Location of Bug: Mailbox, Arena (it seems only here)
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen
Server number : S128 Teuchi
Character name : HomuraUchiha
UID : 1007844330393911869
Location of Bug: Benefit Hall
Bug Desc
Server: HK S1101
Nickname: demirium
UID: 300063217373755
Location of bug: Daily missions, weekly donation, season results, (monthly card-personal)
refreshed people who onlıne that time not on rank list
--donatıon hıstory weekly--
--this is personal bug-- i had both monthly card platınum card is removed now :/
Character name : S1050 - Sora
UID : 300055427709561
Location of Bug: Jonin medal lost , arena , spring event ranking .
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Character Name: S451-Kurama
Bug Location: Hot Topics
Bug Desc
Edit: I was going to reach the 8k cp milestone, but if this error is not fixed I don't know if I'll spend. I hope I will be sufficiently compensated for this.
Bug Print Screen:
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