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On 2019-05-22 09:56:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This post was last edited by Pokemonsmart on 2019-05-22 09:56:47.
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On 2019-05-18 11:18:41Show this Author Only

Really interesting but I think for the cave key rebate it's best to have 1050 for the gold essence.

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On 2019-05-18 23:00:34Show this Author Only
  • momohiu On 2019-05-18 11:18:41
  • Really interesting but I think for the cave key rebate it's best to have 1050 for the gold essence.

Small feet

This post was last edited by Pokemonsmart on 2019-05-22 09:57:06.
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On 2019-05-19 00:46:18Show this Author Only
  • Pokemonsmart On 2019-05-18 23:00:34
  • Small feet

If you mean the milestone keys, those are time-limited and do not count towards the rebate itself.

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On 2019-05-19 04:19:52Show this Author Only
  • Dresq On 2019-05-19 00:46:18
  • If you mean the milestone keys, those are time-limited and do not count towards the rebate itself.

Big foot

This post was last edited by Pokemonsmart on 2019-05-22 09:57:21.
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On 2019-05-19 04:42:55Show this Author Only

only if you have over 200k power and good ninjas

Pros and Cons of Level Freezing

Pros: Easier to get top 1 in Sage World Battlefields so easier advanced refines because joined with lower level group

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On 2019-05-19 08:08:49Show this Author Only
  • shark attack On 2019-05-19 04:42:55
  • only if you have over 200k power and good ninjas

    Pros and Cons of Level Freezing

    Pros: Easier to get top 1 in Sage World Battlefields so easier advanced refines because joined with lower level group

Tiny legs

This post was last edited by Pokemonsmart on 2019-05-22 09:57:32.
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On 2019-05-19 23:04:03Show this Author Only

time limited keys dont count in rebate,best to save up to 1050.same is for time limited summons and same was for time limited seals but rebate which gave those didnt appear for a long time.

also summoning scrolls rebate of 200 isnt really worth it,most of ppl save and spend on second week of monthly event for weekly mission.

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On 2019-05-19 23:05:49Show this Author Only
  • shark attack On 2019-05-19 04:42:55
  • only if you have over 200k power and good ninjas

    Pros and Cons of Level Freezing

    Pros: Easier to get top 1 in Sage World Battlefields so easier advanced refines because joined with lower level group

unless you are 120k power at like lvl70,u wont get that much benefits.there are alot of p2w freezers and due to low amount of low lvl players everyone is in same sage,ive seen lvl70s with 80 to 90s.

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On 2019-05-20 04:08:54Show this Author Only
  • Pokemonsmart On 2019-05-19 08:08:49
  • Tiny legs

not with meta teams out there

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On 2019-05-20 11:53:33Show this Author Only
  • Pokemonsmart On 2019-05-19 04:19:52
  • Big foot

Milestone keys don't count for gaining spin attempts, been such since the early days of the event. Similarly most temporary items don't count in to for the events.

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On 2019-05-20 12:23:43Show this Author Only

In general, some of this stuff is a bit out of date, mostly do to the fact that with the addition of groceries and other events hard freezing tends to be more detrimental, best example being the 20k moon scrolls a week ti can potentially give, which can equal 50 medium refines or 100 keys. In addition 6.0 added advance refines to redemption shop and to the monthly event rewards, making the value of sage world as still relevant, but not as required. Overall, if freezing i would recommend the following, never do wanted except for the min of the event freeibes, and never in a group, do min damage to the fox to claim the small amount of sun coins, and only do ninja test on non double day if your confident you can get perfect score for the up to 3000 moon scrolls ( = 175 coupons in medium refines or 195 coupons of keys), don't do plot or elite instances except for events requirement and if working to breakthrough a common ninja or upgrade a tool, do team instances since the experience given to moon coins gained is worth it, Ninja exams are personal choice but recommended since magatama are useful and overpriced in groceries.

To be specific, for freezing your trying to make leveling up take as much time as possible, but ideally getting as much free stuff as well, since around 80 you need 20 million exp to level certain things need to be avoided. Wanted is purely for exp thus should be avoided as much as needed, fox gives the most experience by far if done well thus only the min should be done ( single hit or just till the mask fight ideally), daily practice since lots of exp for small rewards, and Ninja exams as a toss up since gives decent levels of exp (260k~ around 160) but also gives lots of magatama which make a bulk of primary stats.

This post was last edited by Sammyjay on 2019-05-20 12:24:00.
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On 2019-05-20 13:43:06Show this Author Only
  • Pokemonsmart On 2019-05-19 04:19:52
  • Big foot

the time limited cave keys do not count towards the milestones 100% sure. i've done multiple times

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On 2019-05-21 03:22:57Show this Author Only

lvl 68 is the ideal time to freeze imo; you're on the edge of unlocking kage equipment which means you don't have to worry about upgrading equipment; level 75 is the worst time to freeze as by that time everyone whose freezed previously has 180k+ power whilst you're stuck at 100k

This post was last edited by _Light_ on 2019-05-21 03:23:20.
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On 2019-05-21 20:55:50Show this Author Only

You basically wrote few wrong numbers about rebates and a lot about freezing which is not worth, since now you can get adv.refines from various places. Limited time items does not count in any rebate. Charms rebate is worth only when you have 500. Refines rebate worth only when you have 800 refines (I don't really understand what did you wrote about it, looks like copy/paste out of contest). 300 seals is best rebate for getting extra seals scrolls. But if this is "advanced" tips, then 800 rebate is best, since you want to collect Hashi frags from whenever you can. There's nothing useful in treasures that someone would want. Strategy towards these rebates is written by ICEx in other threads. You should try harder if you want to make guides, or leave it to those who actually know how to do it.

This post was last edited by s1volu on 2019-05-21 20:58:18.
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On 2019-05-21 23:43:15Show this Author Only

Sadly, there's nothing "advanced" about these tips, just basic common sense anyone with half a brain and have been playing for more than a month should have if they don't want to waste resources and gain nothing. And even at that standard, you got the magic numbers wrong on some rebates.

To echo what everyone else has said already, no, the time-limited cave keys don't count toward milestones. So the magic number for cave rebate is either 1050 or 2100 keys. Don't matter which one. If you have less than 2100 ready, just go for 1050, if you had over 2100 ready, go for 2100.

For Refines, there are group shop, monthly events, and groceries stores for medium and adv refs now, not just events only anymore. And since it's "advanced" tips, we should assume most people reading this would be half-way through with basic refined if not all the way through. It's better to save up for med and adv refs since basic runes are practically thrown at your face left and right.

For Charm, anything less than 500 (100 charm boxes) belongs in the "basic" tips for newbie who needs to gain power fast and can't afford to save and wait. But since you decided to call this "advanced" tips, then you'd want 500 or 1k mark. 500 is best in general, but 1k is also a good way to get a lv6 rainbow mags, so it depends on your priorities.

If this was "basic" tips, then yes, what you have would be barely acceptable, but most people looking at "advanced tips" would be hoping for something they don't know already, and unfortunately, this is not it.

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On 2019-05-22 18:37:22Show this Author Only

how are you guys undersanding him by him naming lower body parts its a code or sum?

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On 2019-05-22 18:42:37Show this Author Only
  • ⛈ⱢĘṼĮ⛈ On 2019-05-22 18:37:22
  • how are you guys undersanding him by him naming lower body parts its a code or sum?

he edited his own comments,these replies are older than his edits

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On 2019-05-22 20:08:39Show this Author Only
  • ⛈ⱢĘṼĮ⛈ On 2019-05-22 18:37:22
  • how are you guys undersanding him by him naming lower body parts its a code or sum?

We also posess great psychic powers. :)

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On 2019-05-23 04:51:12Show this Author Only
  • ⛈ⱢĘṼĮ⛈ On 2019-05-22 18:37:22
  • how are you guys undersanding him by him naming lower body parts its a code or sum?

left thigh

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