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NE update tommorow...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-05-15 22:12:32Show All PostsDescending Order
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NE update to 340? Why? You have no clue that's why . P2W should apply to PvP elements , not PvE . Cause that's what NE is right now , an element for the chosen few . NE 300 needed 220BP+ . I've told you before , it was a public demand that NE should always be released when 80% of the active players have cleared all previous stages . Difficulty reduction 7 requires 60something ppl having cleared NE . HOW MANY SERVERS HAVE 60+ active ppl????3?4?? So here is the list of demands

1)Introduce 3 more difficulty reduction stages and the final (10th) requiring 30 people having cleared the whole thing.Remove the days passed requirement

2)Remove the 2 most important enemies from EACH stage

3)Start merging servers without even asking ppl in your server merge request in this forum , yeah just for the purpose of NE . Some servers are just without hope

If you believe these demands are unreasonable , the i wash my hands.Either agree or just STALL the NE update for a year+ . Goddamit , NE SHOULD BE DOABLE even for the most casual players . In my opinion?With the game being so time consuming with all the new function?It shouldn't even be harder than UT

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-05-15 23:20:25Show All Posts
  • YujinTakara On 2019-05-15 22:35:06
  • NE is about using the right ninja at the right time in the right level... in conclusion: Strategy.
    yes sometimes you don't have that ninja, so you need to wait or grind that ninja...

    hardly did i see any NE needs a >20k cps ninja.

    Edo dei is like 12k now and he's super good in NE, even without his bt.

    I rmb Angel suggested a lineup for NE 300 with a thinking of minimum 200k bp is needed to win lv 300. Yet a lot can do it with lower power. For example of a living proof is me with 152k. So again it's all about Strategy. If you need some difficulty reduction, wait till the top 1 or 4 ppl in your server to do it and u'll get 2/7 reduced. Or wait till anyone passed them and made a guide through youtube/forum so u can copy their lineups.

you are 50% missing the point . Strategy is one thing , patience another thing . I'm talking about the huge power spikes that are needed from us . 220 was perfectly doable at 80k with only 2/7 reduction . Suddenly 260 is impossible for 150k bp players at 7/7 reduction . Stuck at 300 with 190k bp right now with 5/7 reduction . AGK you say?A luxury i don't need cause i have 6pn , jonin minato , Edo Dei (4 stars with 2skillbreaks), Kushina Habanero 4stars aswell, why should i need another pos1 ?

See the facts?See the maths?Huge power spikes needed every time

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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  • Posts: 136
On 2019-05-16 03:03:41Show All Posts
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