id say jonin minato with bond mystery is the best with edo being a close close second with there position being able to switch
edo minato has a free burn plus and undodgeable mystery but has a 3 turn cooldown and can easily be stop with a Y variant Gakido but can still do quite a lot despite
jonin minato can upscale with chases like edo but his can reset his mystery and tag that and his bond mystery can hit the entire line up
Hokage Minato is there weaker of the 3 which is funny consider hes like his most bad @ss in the anime at that point but hes kinda a one and done he can hurt really bad when he uses his mystery cause of the like 5 attacks he has plus mysy but after that hes kinda just a sitting duck. plus the over abundance of full immune teams and shisui kinda power creep him by a lot
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