Looking at your ninjas... I believe if you can work Neji, Shikamaru, or Ino into your team you'll be able to stop Hashirama & Tobirama's mysteries with your own. But you wanna make sure you can make combos with them too. Acupunture, Immobility, and Chaos are essential for shutting down their high damage aoe mysteries, as they can easily wipe a team if not stopped.
The fight really comes down to whether you can outdamage those two. If you can't kill them fast enough, then you need to find a way to mitigate their damage. And after fighting those two you're immediately faced with a Hebihime control team. So you have to shutdown their key players to, or just kill them quickly. Either way I found the control team much easier then the Hokage brothers.
This post was last edited by Phantasos at 2016-9-13 01:42