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[ PVP ] The Sad State of Sage World Battlefields


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-05-03 16:40:39Show All Posts
  • vergil111 On 2019-05-03 14:34:58
  • If you got time to complain here, why not recharge some money to enjoy the game

I fail to see what is the logic connection between having time to complain and recharge.

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-05-03 16:54:19Show All Posts

@OP: a very very long time ago i was a new player too and i had your same thoughts and hopes.

So seems to me right to tell you the plain truth.

The goal of the game is making you recharge.

All the events are scripted by having in mind the idea that on endgame side they give fun exclusively to annoying people that care only for themselves and that cashed a lot exclusively to stomp on the weak and that do not like any form of competition (because who recharges in the order of 500+$ per month and likes the competition gets widely and hashly punished in the long time by the natural and unavoidable missing chance to actually enjoy it, due to the lack of people like them).

In early stages the game gives you the feeling is possible to compete and catch up without recharging, maybe by being lucky, after a while gives you the idea that by recharging a bit is still possible to do it, then after 6/7 months you understand the truth.

At that point is up to you to choose what to do.

The real competition and the real fun of this game (at least from the p.o.w. of a very old player like i am) stays in the 10/20$ per month recharge rank because by staying at that level (monthly cards + low level froggy/jonin medal) let you take part in most of the events by actually giving you the idea you are doing something every week, because you have not to choose between going exclusively for power or exclusively for ninjas if you carefully plan ahead for what ninja you want to go for and because there are a lot of people like you and is still possible for wise f2p to beat you even if generally you win and is very possible for you to beat people that recharge under the 100$ per month level since the difference between spending 30$ per month and spending 200 is so low it basically does not exist (the real difference comes when you are able to hit the top recharging levels in those recharging events, that generally means spending 500/1000$ in the event).

but sadly, to enjoy this part of the game you have to accept the fact that often you'll be matched with the people the game is aimed to, because you, me and whoever is out there that is not a whale are the plancton that feed the whales in oasis perspective.

The only way to enjoy the game after the first 6 months is to beehave like if whales do not exist and forget about the rewards they generally get exist too.

P.S. Beware that level freezing was a policy that was developed by people that played since 1.0 and 2.0 because up to late 2.0 there was NO REASON to level freeze and actually going for exp was good and you had people that did everything to get max level the fastest possible, so all the original whales we had in our servers were level capped when those events became cross server, so we thought that level freezing was an option because it actually was a synonymous to whale-free battlefields.

But, little by little, the level cap rised furthermore and not top3 whales in top fields thought that made sense for them too to freeze at the old level cap and so also on our servers the lower level sages ceased to be whale-free, but this didn't happen immediately, since the level cap rose once every 6 months more or less (from the initial 85 to 90, 95, 100 and the actual 105). In the meanwhile the legend that level freezing was good spreaded and so also in new servers people began to do it, with the difference that their whales had no reason to level up as fast as our ones had initially, so they never experienced the whale-free sages, but the legend is still there because actually in low level fields for servers under 6 months of age the difference is not that big.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-05-03 17:19:15.
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