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[ Events ] Event Cycle - April 25th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-24 23:00:59Show All Posts

I wish I was still spending right now, just so I could stop in protest, but I have been recharge free for 4 months now and going to keep it that way. I wasn't a small spender either, i'm over 450k bp. I'm getting sick of the shifting goal posts, I finished my refines on my m1/2 and don't want to have to work towards them again, I want to finish something and be done not have to go back later and do more on it. And if I lose the red glow on my gear I'm going to be pissed off, I've had that done for my m1 for over a year now, and taking it away will not be a good thing, it will be like I lost power and I'm not going to recharge to get it back if anything I will quit to protest losing it and just go play other games instead, I've already been playing other games more because this one is getting too boring, all I do is pve because the pvp is auto win every time at my power except for like 4 people in my server group.

contrary to popular belief, big spenders dont have fun just crushing f2p, it gets boring fast and they usualy quit because there is really nothing to do, just auto battle and win EVERYTHING. so i don't want things that increase this gap between me and the lower spenders, I want them to catch up so we can have fights like we used to in 1.0 where we had to think of different lineups to win and we couldnt just aoe down everything other than the enemy m1 at the start of r1, clones used to mean something and we used clones to counter blitz teams, vanilla naruto had a purpose because his clones could tank lightning blitz teams, when given iruka shields he tanked all the r1 dmg. now tho, clones r a liability because the strategy has all been removed in favor of op ninjas with huge amounts of power stacked on them and its not fun.

i sincerely hope that to counter the expanded power features, oasis reduces the cost of the current ones (its over 2k keys to go from lvl 11 runes to lvl 12, I shudder to think what 13-14 will look like if they don't), as well as increases the accessibility of them (give the top 3 in swb the new refines and the next 7 adv refines, so top 10 in each land get rewards). You won't get me to spend so I can auto win faster, you might get me to spend again if my choice is spend or start losing all the time.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 16
  • Posts: 917
On 2019-04-24 23:52:05Show All Posts
  • litty titty On 2019-04-24 23:43:26
  • Sorry but I can't understand you due to your inability to speak proper English. Either way you're begging for something that most likely won't arrive, and if it does, it'll be heavily placed behind a pay wall. But enjoy complaining to a company kid.

You shouldn't be calling others "kid" when you're the one acting like an * child. other versions have % tactics and they give the items needed for coupons, de has them for free in the monthly event too, so they are actually pretty cheap. Its not the cost of the feature that makes it p2w, it's the fact that it increases damage so much that whoever has the higher init wins by default. I would suggest learning about something before commenting on it.

Quicky Post

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