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[ Events ] Event Cycle - April 25th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-24 20:42:57Show All Posts

How many players in this version have fully upgraded refines? You are just letting game die with your actions. no need to add something brand new that only brings more disbalans to the game. Adding those skipped features that worked well when added by mistake would be nice start. Have been trying to do my best as f2p reached 200k finally, 20k+ stats but you're killing this game.

P.S. would be nice to see new refines in the sage for top 3 rewards at least 1/3 of adv. refines per rank, with adv. refines too, ofc.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-24 21:14:47Show All Posts
  • rum1890 On 2019-04-24 21:03:15
  • God no, there are already enought exploiter of sage, don't prize them even more , on other hand should add 10M exp for first 3 position on sage of each field

Lvl freeze is used to at least somehow get extra resources, it was a solution we found for merged sage event. the way you're suggesting is wrong: if you don't want to get beaten with freezers don't start on the server that was opened 1 or 2 years ago, there are new servers for you. freezing is not about all benefits it has it's - too. if you want perfect sage ask for BP based sage not 10kk XP reward for tops.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-24 21:45:23Show All Posts
  • rum1890 On 2019-04-24 21:21:43
  • Sorry for you but i play normal , not cheating staying low abusing of a poor split system and i'm 105. Isn't wrong, if you go on the top 3, maybe with 10 / 15k more difference points from 4° mean that sage isn't for you, so you should be moved on another one, and the fastest way to do that is give exp to remove who isn't suppose to be there, so will end where he should be. You don't wanna level up, fine, don't be top 3 , easy

Once more what you're suggesting is not a solution. Right now my sage is starter lvl to 97-100. Also have tried 105 lvl sage(yesterday for example: finished with 22k pts, 2nd pos 3,5k, 3rd 1,7k,) so it's fair from your point of view?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-24 22:23:47Show All Posts
  • -Zaku On 2019-04-24 21:23:13
  • This is idiotic, "dont start on the server that was opened 1 or 2 years ago". so you're saying rather than oasis to simply add exp to the top rewards long term players should consider having to start from scratch in brand new servers to work around a company having no clue how to run a game?

    I'd argue that even then that wouldnt make much difference there are already enough smaller whales that couldn't * it in their old servers so they jumped ship, joined a new server, spent a ton of money and use their game experience to walk over the new players anyway, all whilst freezing at low enough levels to avoid running into anyone from their original server. So even then your proposal would only work if they jumped ship and spent a f ton regardless.

    Events based on power instead of level would be amazing, but that would mean the whales would have to actually play the game, not just set it to auto so oasis ofcourse wont do that it financially makes sense for them to pacify the rich but fragile ego whales. This game is interesting in that way , its one where the people who spend the most are the ones who do the least amount of playing, they throw money and click auto, no creativity or fun at all

"Simply add exp to the top rewards" will only make situation worse. Tbh i don't see a f2p starting on server opened 2y ago and being competitive without a lot of patience. With spenders it's different situation.

There's no way for f2p to get top ranks in sage where rewards are XP and event is based on lvl. at the end we all get into 105 lvl's being source for their points and nothing more.

BP based sage can solve all this problems, nobody will need 20k+ pts to get top ranks(player won't be able to get that much during sage).

At the end that whale will have to fight with tactics and no auto cuz f2p and low spender will quit. as it goes now my sage soon will be starter lvl to 105, and gl to all those low lvls against 400-700k guys.


just BP rankings from my server.


100 lvl and lower are in the same sage.

Quicky Post

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