None of you have first, so stop that nonsense now.
We finally have something that China doesn't.....and its sole purpose is to milk the biggest spenders even further, LOL
China recently just got them and they also put them in grocery store for 200 sun scrolls each. Lets hope Oasis does the same for us. I do think it's weird that FR got them before CN though. I do agree with most people though this is a bad idea. We are missing so many features and skillbreaks, so why is adding did this need to be released now? We need to catch up to CN and not try to add things they just added to the game.
But Ini war is already how the pvp work, so nothing will change :D :D but for pve, like exam will bring a lot of improvement. The exam we have and that will come are made considering that people have access at % feature : )
% tactics will shift the me
Literally the dumbest thing ever posted that I've read. Gambling is illegal under the age of 21 in the United States (not counting Indian reservation casinos that aren't bound by government stipulations). Running an illegal gambling scheme is.....**gasp** illegal. There are ALOT of players here that aren't over 21.
Also, by law (China Law as well) the odds of any jackpot prize is to be LISTED IN PLAIN TEXT AND VIEW. Rigging a system so that a player loses 100% IS ILLEGAL.....have it involve money and gambling, you can bet your ass the FBI will be on you like flies to s#!t. Make no mistake, Oasis is breaking the law as it is currently written now (China's law since the over a year ago) by not revealing the odds of specific prizes when it pertains to RNG.
The fact that you think its completely OK for minors to gamble....AND believe that people getting cheated on a rigged system is ok because "it was their choice" is an early sign of mental illness and you should get checked out by a doctor.
Yeah when signing up back in 1.0 days I never received any type of notice claiming I must be 18+ to play this game. There is gambling and I could say a good chunk of the players are under the age of 18. Not sure exactly what the law china passed from what I have seen it only mentions loot box percentages. CSGO gambling was shut down due to under age gambling and CSGO is pretty popular, but still took a long time to get the gambling shut down. I do agree percent chances should be shown, but not sure if they even have them listed in China. I would be ok for say if in the wheel Sus Kakashi was a .5% chance to land on. I just don't think anyone should take a chance and spend money on an rng event where you don't even know the odds of winning. People have gotten Sus Kakashi on my server though, so there is a chance.
Well like most things, its rarely simple. The First principle is only in China and similar are stuff like loot boxes are considered gambling and illegal, reason for the the whole must show % thing. As for the CsGo one, that from my understanding was not on the loot box side, but rather that people were using weapon skins as basically poker chips to bet on matches. Reason for it being scrutinized being that its basically the same as betting on a horse race or a sports game, i.e your betting against other players and have the chance to make nothing. Now this is were wheel events and the like are tricky in the states. Cause in functionality its more like a capsule prize machine then actual gambling, basically being the distinction is that even if its a prize you don't like its still something, with the main gray area that said ob
Betting on matches was one part, but people were using skins to gamble against other players in 1 pot multiple people enter and 1 person wins it all. Technically that's how one ingot sales work. There is paid currency only and people gamble on an item and 1 person wins. Pretty much the definition of gambling. I would like to believe everything that is being done with rng/gambling events is completely legal otherwise something would of been done on the CN side a long time ago.
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