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[ Events ] Event Cycle - April 25th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 35
On 2019-04-24 21:40:00Show All Posts

Soo few weeks before you have already screwed up the Tailed Beasts Attack event which was already inferior and worthless. And now you did the same with the Lucky Stars event. Isn't it simpler to just remove those events or the free daily spins completely then? Since it's impossible to obtain anything with just free spins now because of your overpriced items!

And where did the temporary medals disappear from the Mysterious shop? What's the point of giving us strange stones if there's nothing to spend those on? Either give us stuff that is worth spending on or remove the useless limit on sun and moon scrolls!

You do understand that by pushing F2P players out of this game you are starving the cow you're milking so earnestly?

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