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[ Lineup ] [EARTH MAIN] Fox Skinning Lineup


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On 2016-09-12 14:01:46Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey! I'm SachiFaker, a level 57 earth main on the Choza server, and Ill be sharing my world boss lineup. This lineup deals an absurd amount of damage if specd and used correctly. Please keep in mind that, while this lineup is ridiculous when used against the nine tails, its pretty useless in pvp.

Im currently ranked first in regards to the world boss, with a significant gap in damage between the runnerup (whom has close to 3000 AP and 6 levels on me). This is due to the line up mixed with the earth mains talents. This lineup is only viable upon learning EARTH STYLE SUPER LIGHTENED BOULDER JUTSU(if you dont have it yet, then youll need to keep grinding till you get there) and becomes even more devastating once you obtain EARTH STYLE BOULDER JUTSU. My lineup and talents are as follows:

TALENT/LINE UP BREAKDOWN: As you can see, this isnt a crazy "spend a thousand dollars on seal scrolls" lineup, all three ninjas are easily obtainable via instances. This team is basically a taijustu blitz meant to hit the nine tails as many times as possible, while crit'ing that fox so hard it'll scurry back into naruto with its tails between its legs. In order to acheive this outcome lightened boulder jutsu is absolutely required. Next take taijutsu attack because it has a higher potential damage output than hurricane. Keep in mind that your main wont be doing the bulk of the damage, so dont be shocked when sasuke, guy, and kakashi are doing x4 more damage than your main. Chase talents arent applicable. Pose of duel is a must, when mixed with Guy's passive (leach) pose will remain active for the majority of the match. Finally, take boulder jutsu if you can as this will help keep the damage flowing while lightened boulder is down (and turn kakashi into a freight train if it lands on him).

SUMMONING NOTE: HIGH COMBO SUMMONS ONLY!!! tonton, chameleon, or the king of hell (not sure if im missing any).


PRE-FIGHT: This should go without saying, but if you can afford the buffs, get them.

**This is not an autopilot build, you will need to key abilities manually**

ROUND 1: Begin by activating sasuke's area change skill as this will increase your lighting ninjas (sasuke, kakashi, and guy) attack. DO NOT REACTIVATE SASUKES ABILITY AT ANY POINT!!! You will need the lightning buff for the next three rounds. The fox will now slap your main, laugh in its face and brush that * off.

ROUND 2: Activate lightened boulder jutsu. Activating it now will allow you to activate it one more time before the match ends and will ensure that sas, kak, and guy receive the pose buff since thier health will be full this round. POSE + AREA + GUY BUFF = FOX SKIN COAT. Following this round the fox will either do a debuff (lowers attack) or a damage AOE. Since we have a clone on the field it will balance out regardless of what it does since the clones attacks will make up for the damage loss.

ROUND 3: Now activate both guy's and kakashi's talents, by the end of this round the back line should be fully healed due to guy's passive reactivating pose. Fox will once again attempt to smack your main.

ROUND 4: At this point sasukes area will vanish, reactivate it (area) along with lightened boulder jutsu to give the fox one final beat down before it mega sneezes on your team.


Good luck my fellow earth mains! I know the struggle is real for us, but with this hopefully the rest of you will be able to shine in one aspect of the game. Thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to share your results with this line up in the replies. Any questions let me know, ciao!

This post was last edited by Sachito at 2016-9-12 14:06 This post was last edited by Sachito at 2016-9-12 14:07 This post was last edited by Sachito at 2016-9-12 14:13
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On 2016-09-13 05:44:27Show this Author Only
(haha, fox skinning ^_^ maybe they should make a level 10 battle armor with fox fur)

Hey, great guide! But I have a fire main instead; any idea if it would work for me? (I'd check myself but 1. it's not Kyuubi time yet and 2. as a fire main I don't have something like Super Lightened Boulder, etc.) People elsewhere suggested Anko for fire (too many runes to update), Tenten (have her already), Karin (... why?), etc. but I still struggle with damage output.
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On 2016-09-13 10:30:13Show this Author Only
I'm not sure, I really don't have very much experience with the other classes. I can see Anko being a centerpiece to a fire team, but you wouldnt be able to pull off huge numbers with a pure taijutsu team. Ten Ten would be great since she has a high combo chase, as would iruka if you have him. sorry I couldnt be of more help.
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On 2016-09-13 12:23:57Show this Author Only
Holy f***ing crit... Thanks for this man, * was legit. Do you have any pvp lineups?
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On 2016-09-13 18:10:24Show this Author Only
NIce guide!!!

I have a question:

Is better Kakashi or Iruka??
IF i change Kakashi for Iruka i have 1 more buff for Saske, Gay and Main. Is a bad choise?

ATM is use Main - 1010 - Iruka - Gay
This post was last edited by UqHolder at 2016-9-13 10:12
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On 2016-09-13 18:32:28Show this Author Only
  • UqHolder On 2016-09-13 18:10:24
  • NIce guide!!!

    I have a question:

    Is better Kakashi or Iruka??
    IF i change Kakashi for Iruka i have 1 more buff for Saske, Gay and Main. Is a bad choise?

    ATM is use Main - 1010 - Iruka - Gay
    This post was last edited by UqHolder at 2016-9-13 10:12
Iruka is definitely a better choice than Kakashi :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-13 18:43:17Show this Author Only
Nice guide , i will try it but i dont have sasuke 3 stars yet. and chameleon:dizzy:
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On 2016-09-13 21:41:06Show this Author Only
Kakashi imo is better, let me explain why. Ive tested the lineup you recommended and these are my personal results. Although iruka gives an additional buff and has an amazing high dmg chase skill, his combo and crit rate are lower than kakashis, not sure why (keep in mind they were both using the same gear and my iruka is 3*). This is all before including kakashi's clone which is adds 3-6 more attacks (all buffed and have the chance to crit as well).

I dont unfortunately. I have a few basic single target and aoe lineups I've messed with, but nothing that can be considered OP.

yeah man, the damage difference without 3* sasukes area is definitely noticeable. Tonton works btw, the damage from the summons are not a huge factor, its just nice to have that little increase in output.

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On 2016-09-13 22:41:30Show this Author Only
hi, just like t0 ask d0 y0u have a line up for low lvl earth main 0r d0 y0u have any suggestions? :D
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On 2016-09-13 22:49:48Show this Author Only
Nice thanks for this never thought of using Guy.

I'm going to tweak it a bit ... add in Yamato for his barrier/ability to do extra dmg to tailed beasts.

Maybe sub in Kiba for Kakashi to keep the clone element around.
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On 2016-09-14 10:38:56Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-13 22:41:30
  • hi, just like t0 ask d0 y0u have a line up for low lvl earth main 0r d0 y0u have any suggestions? :D
How low is "low," and do you have any ninjas outside of the ones you can obtain through instances?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-15 09:18:20Show this Author Only
  • UqHolder On 2016-09-13 18:10:24
  • NIce guide!!!

    I have a question:

    Is better Kakashi or Iruka??
    IF i change Kakashi for Iruka i have 1 more buff for Saske, Gay and Main. Is a bad choise?

    ATM is use Main - 1010 - Iruka - Gay
    This post was last edited by UqHolder at 2016-9-13 10:12
iruka is op so you should use it.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-15 16:08:57Show this Author Only
how many demage for 1 time u in nine tails attack ?
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On 2016-09-16 13:57:33Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-15 16:08:57
  • how many demage for 1 time u in nine tails attack ?
um, I average 300-350k per attack and around 6mil total.
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On 2016-09-18 16:31:23Show this Author Only
Do you use coupons for reviving?
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On 2016-09-19 00:00:27Show this Author Only
can you help me a line up for PVP/ARENA. I'm Still level 51.
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On 2016-09-19 04:04:26Show this Author Only
Hey, might i translate the guide to german and post it on the german forum. Ofc with you being mentioned as the one who worte/came up with it and a direct link to this forum here.
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On 2016-09-19 05:12:13Show this Author Only
  • HelliItsu On 2016-09-19 04:04:26
  • Hey, might i translate the guide to german and post it on the german forum. Ofc with you being mentioned as the one who worte/came up with it and a direct link to this forum here.
sure and thanks for asking!
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On 2016-09-19 05:18:07Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-18 16:31:23
  • Do you use coupons for reviving?
Yes, once I get a decent lead I usually slow down and revive every other death. It's definitely something needed to be competitive in the world boss if thats youre intention.
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On 2016-09-23 08:56:51Show this Author Only
Do you think Wind blade Asuma might fit well in here?
Quicky Post

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