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[ Player Guide ] Jinchuriki Treasure I


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 822
  • Posts: 939
On 2019-04-14 17:35:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

This is a thread for those who are asking questions such as "how many pulls per rare, how many pull per Edo Hashirama fragment, how many pull to get both super rare" etc

With that said, the numbers will also vary from person to person and their luck, but in my+my friends experiences with this and Jinchuriki Treasure II also, the super rares seem to always drop at 210 pulls, and keep in mind that there is a chance to get a duplicate super rare so you might end up spending 630 to get both of them

Rares seem to often drop after just 40 or 50 pulls, and Edo Hashirama fragments every 50-70 or so



40th pull = Gaara

60th pull = 2x Edo Hashirama fragments

80th pull = Utakata

120th pull = Killer Bee

140th pull = 1x Edo Hashirama fragment

170th pull = Gaara

190th pull = 2x Edo Hashirama fragments

210th pull = Edo Fu


220th pull = Gaara

250th pull = Killer Bee

260th pull = 1x Edo Hashirama fragment

300th pull = Killer Bee

320th pull = 1x Edo Hashirama fragment

350th pull = Gaara

380th pull = 2x Edo Hashirama fragments

390th pull = Utakata

420th pull = Edo Yagura



Quicky Post

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