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[ Character ] New Ninja Collection! [6.0 Preliminary Event]


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  • Registered: 2019-02-01
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On 2019-04-14 13:34:50Show All Posts
  • HolotheWiseWolf On 2019-04-14 07:10:59
  • Sakura [Byakogou Seal]sakura 100 healings

    Attributes: Female, Konoha, Allied Shinobi Forces, Hidden Jutsu User,

    Mystery: Monster Strength - Sakura enters Explosive Mode. Causes Low float and suppresses super armor.

    Battlefield CD: 1

    Mystery CD: 2

    Standard Attack: Attacks the first line of opponents with a high chance of causing repulse.

    Passive 1: Cherry Blossom Kick - Chases and attacks low float, causes Knockdown, removes shields and buffs and causes Immobile. Decreases Sakura's Mystery by 1.

    Passive 2: Summoning Jutsu Great Katsuyu Healing - Before each action, this unit summons Katsuyu and will Heal 12 Units and removes 1 layer of debuffs. Can be triggered twice each round.

    Passive 3: Explosive Mode - Sakura becomes immune to debuffs. Sakura's Critical and Injury chance increases by 50% and all her attacks deal full damage to the surrounding units.

    Name/Server/UID: ThomasTheDankEngine, S-61 Moegi, 200000086208898


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