no benefits??????????????????????????????
only event ba
No man, two great events that exist in the game, which give many rewards, and VERY SUN COINS... its swb and matsuri. Matsuri its ba
Freezing level is more of refine, freezing level is maximize the systems, maximize power in X level, freezing level is to make a good up for your account with only things that are really worth it.
It's very easy to talk that it's not worth it, but I wonder why, bring me answers to what you say, motives, not simply fallacies... if freezing level was not good, I ask you why a huge amount of players do it? I say and I repeat, naruto online is not a game to get XP!!!
The system gives privilege to higher level and power.
If available an high power level 105 that hits the 60 seconds of waiting time because had none else to be matched with at comparable or higher power at the same level will be always matched with you if you freeze.
So if you are experiencing this means your bracket is new and the amount of 105 is very limited (so people like me simply don't exist in your bracket, but, don't worry, sooner or later they will exist).
Just to tell you, i am around 280/290k power right now at level 105.
What happens is that 90% of the times i hit the 60 seconds mark of waiting time because i don't find matches (after the first two wins the system simply ignores whover has less than a +10% power at your same level, since there's no higher level than 105, so i wouldn't hit the 60 seconds mark if and only if during that specific time frame joins the queue somebody at 320-350k power that LOST the previous battle).
At that point or i get matched with a level 105 400k+ that was waiting since more than 60 seconds like me (20% of the times) or i meet somebody like you (80% of the time).
This is what will happen to your bracket too if a lot of you freeze, because generally the big whales don't freeze, nor do freeze the low cashers (like me) that have no chance to be top2 in swb (or at least they cease to do it once they cease to be 1st or 2nd. 3rd place for us is not appealing, i don't understand why people talks about top3. Only 1st and 2nd matter, the difference between 3rd and 4th-8th is close to 0 over 1 month).
That said, capping sun scrolls is easy and doesn't require at all to win more than 3 times in matsuri and getting 2 more ss in a week doesn't change your game life.
I've never been an advocate of the level freezing life style, and as time goes on I see less and less reason to encourage a new player to start such, at least the hard freezer way. As the game progressed the main value of the freeze, being Sage world, stopped being the only path to high refines, which means winning big in the events go from a need to a nice bonus. The issue comes mainly with the hard freezer path, being that one gives up huge amounts of resource potential in order to get such without such. Generally, with how much experience needed to level, not doing plots after the last orb should be the only thing done, since you can still take months to level without it, and gain the mountains of other mats during said time, being thousands of magatama, and what is valued around 3000 coupons worth of sun and moon shop items a week.
Its a personal preference thing at this point, but its no longer that hot secret for a f2p to make big headways anymore, really groceries killed that concept a long while ago.
Indeed and now refinements are both in group shop and in monthly event.
Actually monthly event change made way less appealing than before the level freeze option because for two weeks out of 4 the daily mission there are to sweep up to 60 plot and elite instances.
If you level freeze now you are skipping them that are 80 points a day for 14 days: 1120 points means 25 less advanced refinements during those two weeks. The difference between being 3rd in top swb field and being 4th-8th is 4/5 refinements. So now being 4th/8th without freezing and being 3rd every time while freezing became comparable outcomes for at least half of the month.
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