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[ Events ] Event Cycle - April 4th


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-04-04 06:24:37Show All Posts
  • Rinzļer On 2019-04-04 01:52:02
  • Its related to the Rogue Ninja Outburst event; players will be able to attack each other and the rest follow according the event description

so basically another way to suppress f2p players... if every f2p player quits, do you guys really thing you can survive only on few whales? and before someone comments, yes traffic makes a lot of money it's not like they get no money from us f2p players playing...

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-04-05 23:02:36Show All Posts
  • Tedi〤(泰迪) On 2019-04-04 10:29:11
  • Whales deserve their money in return, if you are F2P don't get a mouth talking like that, I am F2P and I respect those who pay for the game, because they make the server alive. If you are F2P just enjoy the game only in your capacity, because you don't spend real hard-earned money.

excuse me what? deserve what? to be able to bully f2p? lol whales have a lot of things "in return" what are you talking about? again im not talking not as a whale nor as a f2p, i'm talking as an observer... just because someone paid why should be allowed to straight up bully others that can't pay? and again... whales don't "make the server alive" trafic do, whales are a part of the entire thing... again, i'm not complaining that i have or not something, i'm just pointing out observations that are... logical...

edit: also... what are you talking about "hard-earned money" we all know someone that actually HARD-EARN money don't spend it as a whale... look how many of the whales actually know how to play? a "hard-earned money" player makes calculations before trowing money...

This post was last edited by The_X on 2019-04-05 23:04:09.
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