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[ Events ] Event Cycle - March 28th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-03-29 05:16:34Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninja,

We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 03/28/19! Please, have a look below to check the new events!

New 3-Stars Ninja

Ino [Summer]

New Ninjas Breakthrough/Trial

Pain - Ningendo


Kakashi [Susano’o]

Sasuke [Rinne sharingan]

Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths]

Madara Uchiha [Five Kage Summit]

New Themed Arena: Return To Konoha

Remark: Only Konoha's Ninjas can be used

1. "Inos Flower" added.

2. Ino loves Fresh Flowers, get rewards by sending fresh flowers to Ino!

Period: March 31st – April 3rd


a) Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Sweeping Plot/Elite Instances will reward you with Fresh Flowers. Recharging 50 Ingots will reward you with Fresh Flower*1. Gifting Ino Fresh Flowers will reward players with Coins.

b) After the event has ended, you will be rewarded according to the Ranking which is based on the amount of Fresh Flowers sent. Fresh Flowers can only be sent until April 3rd, the final ranking will be displayed for 4 days.

c) Players who want to be part of ranking needs to gift 350 Flowers at least.


1st prize: Glory Optional Ninja Pack II*1; Deluxe Assist Pack*1

2nd and 3rd: Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] *80; Treasured Tools Ultimate essence*1

4th to 6th: Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] *50; Level 6 Magatama Pack*1

7th to 10th: Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*1; Treasured Tools Rare essence*2

Important Note: This event is NOT a cross-server based event. There will be the first place for each server that meets requirements.

Glory Optional Ninja Pack II content:Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei] *80, Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths] *80, Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] *100, Itachi Uchiha [Susano’o]*10.

2. "Daily Recharge Rebate" added.

Recharge every day and reach a given amount to obtain rewards! New rewards waiting for you to claim them! These rewards are refreshed daily, which means you need to claim it on the same day you complete it!!

Period: March 28th –April 3rd


a) Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.

Remark: The rewards updated.

3. "Anniversary Red Envelope" added.

Every single recharge can get you an unbelievable rebate! Send or Get Red Envelopes! Celebrate together!

Period: March 28th –March 30th

How To:

a) During the event, obtain a Recharge Rebate and a Red Envelope Rebate for every recharge!

b) Obtain a maximum of 20.000 Coupons as Recharge Rebate and a maximum of 10.000 Coupons to send through Red Envelopes to other members from your Group.

c) Each player can send a maximum of 100 Red Envelopes and can receive a maximum of 5.000 Coupons from other members' Red Envelopes.

d) A Red Envelope which was already sent is valid for 2 hours, after which it will be unclaimable. The value sent inside the Red Envelope will not be returned.

e) Ingots recharged during the period of the event will be ac*ulated to both Recharge Rebate and Red Envelope Rebate.

f) The Group channel is limited to 70 messages at once. If more than 70 messages are sent while the link to claim the Red Envelope is shown, the link to claim Red Envelopes will no longer be displayed and it will be lost for all other Group members.

4. "Fukurokumaru's Deals" added.

Use Coupons and get rebates for doing so! Use both Coupons and Ingots to get fantastic rebates and purchase exclusive Gift Bags!

Period: March 28th –April 3rd

Requirements: Server must be opened for more than 14 days.

How To:

a) Reach the given usage of both Coupons and Ingots to get free rewards and be eligible to buy specific gift bags and exclusive prices.

b) All Ingots used in ALL functions, systems, events and interfaces are accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

c) In what concerns the usage of Coupons, ONLY Coupons used in "Weekly Events" (Hot Topics), "Shop", "Mysterious Cave" and "Battle Armor" will be accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals". For example, Coupons used in "Eight Inner Gates", Offer Gifts purchased with Coupons in the Home system to offer to visiting Ninja, Coupons used to refresh the Black Market and Coupons used to revive Characters are not accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

5. "Daily Spending Rebate" added.

Do you have Ingots to use? Use the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!

Period: March 28th –April 3rd


a) Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.

How To:

a) During the event, players can get different rewards by using given amounts of Ingots.

b) Rewards and daily consumed Ingots will reset at 5:00 AM every day.

c) When a player spends the required amount of ingots will be able to get the following rewards:

Spending 100 Ingots: Coupons*20, Charm Materials Fragments*3

Spending 500 Ingots: Cultivate Scroll*20, Charm Materials Fragments*7

Spending 1000 Ingots: Deluxe Myoboku Optional Pack*2, Ino [Summer]*4

Spending 3000 Ingots: Tactics Optional Gift Pack*3, Ino [Summer]*12

6. "Lucky Stars Wheel" added.

Use your Lucky Stars during the event to redeem for powerful ninjas and items!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Spin the wheel to obtain a random prize.

b) All players have a Free Spin at the wheel every day.

c) Extra Spins can be obtained by using Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel. (Daily limit: 500 times.)

b) Use the obtained Lucky Stars to redeem them for amazing rewards.

Remark: Rewards have been updated.

7. "Wheel of Fortune" added.

Obtain strong ninja, scrolls and essences by spinning the wheel daily, 100% wins!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 25 in order to participate.

How to:

a) During the event, players can spin the wheel once for free every 24 hours. Each spin has a guaranteed reward from the wheel!

b) Lucky Voucher can be obtained in Wishing Lanterns Event. Players c*so buy Lucky Voucher in the Shop to get more rewards. Lucky Voucher can be bought with Ingots and Coupons. Mysterious Strong Ninjas await you! Daily limit: 1000 times. (Free draws will not be ac*ulated.)

c) "Lucky Voucher" bought for this week's events need to be used this week, once the event ends, the "Lucky Voucher” you didn't use will be reset to 0.

d) Spin Once = 1 Point, get fixed rewards by getting a given amount of Points! After event ends, the TOP 10 players of this event will get more rewards (this Ranking is not a Cross-Server Ranking).

1st: Treasured Tools Ultimate Essence;

2nd-3rd: Level 6 Magatama Pack

4th-10th: Level 5 Magatama Pack

e) Once the event ends, rewards for your Ranking can be acquired by refreshing the game or waiting for 1 hour after the event ends.

8. "Tailed Beasts Attack" added.

Gather all tail beasts to obtain gift packs! Amazing Items and Ninjas are waiting for you in redeem shop!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 20 in order to participate.


a) Players can find event icon in the main interface.

b) Every plate contains a different amount of Points or a Tailed Beast. Use 10 Coupons or Ingots to flip a plate and find out how many Points you obtained to see if you were lucky enough to find one of the Tailed Beasts!

c) Collect all Tailed Beasts to get specific rewards and redeem your Points in this event’s Redeem Shop for more amazing items!

d) All plates reset daily at 00:00, this includes both the progress in flipped over plates and gathered Tailed Beasts.

e) All players have a free daily attempt.

f) Players can reset the entire board up to 5 times a day, but only 1 free attempt is given daily.

9. "Daily Special" added.

Lots of goods at big discounts, now! Use Discount Vouchers to buy items at an even lower price! Add value to your purchases!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 10 in order to participate.

How To:

a) During the event, players can buy items at big discounts. This week, every new day will present new items with different discounts! Don’t miss out!

b) By using Discount Vouchers, you can get an extra discount on the Current Price. Discount Vouchers can be obtained from Myoboku Trial and Wheel of Fortune.

Remark: Rewards has been updated

10. "Cave Exploration Rebate" added.

Explore the Mysterious Cave to get Rune Stones. Make use of your Cave Keys to get even more Cave Keys! It's time to improve your Power level!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 48 in order to participate.

How To:

a) During the event, players can consume a given amount of Cave Keys to receive a rebate pack.

b) “Free Explore” or “Cave Keys (Time-Limited)” are not counted in the total number of Cave Keys spent.

c) When exploring the Mysterious Cave, “Cave Key (Time-Limited)” will be spent first.

d) Cave Key (Time-Limited) will be removed from your inventory after this event. Remember to use them on time!

11. "Refining Rebate" added.

Refining equipment will get you refining materials and other valuable rewards. Power up and get rebates at the same time!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How to:

a) Players can get rewards when refining times reach the requirement.

b) This event's Refining Rebate will not provide additional Wish Credit.

12."Limited Refinement" added.

Get extra Wish Credits and improve your Power level by Refining your Equipment!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Players can use Refine Runes to upgrade their equipment in Refine Equipment (Strengthen interface). Every time you level up your equipment to a new Refine level, you’ll receive free time-limited Wish Credits.

b) Free time-limited Wish Credits will expire when the event ends.

13. "Myoboku Trial" added.

Mount Myoboku sent a trial to test all ninja and your skills! Are you ready to take on this trial and win all the rewards?!

Period: March 28th – April 3rd

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

“Myoboku Trial” event is divided into three tabs.


Every player can claim its respective rewards for logging in the game during the given dates.

3/28: Coins*50000, Cultivation Rune*2000, Summoning Scroll*1

3/29: Bell*2, Mount Myoboku’s Gift*3, 10% Discount Voucher *1

3/30: Cave Key*2, Cultivation Rune*2000, Purification Rune*3

3/31: Coins*20000, BBQ*5, Experimental Vial*2

4/01: Mood Scroll*2, Two Chimes*1, Purification Protection Rune*3

4/02: Purification Rune*5, Cultivation Rune*2000, Purify Breakthrough Pill Fragments*1

4/03: Coins*50000, Cave Keys*2, Experimental Protection Vial*1


a) Click PLAY, a hammer should be visible in this interface.

b) Move your hammer and pick a cylinder you wish to target!

c) After the mini-game starts, the needle will start moving from left to right.

d) When the needle is in the “Perfect” area, be fast to click and “Perfect”! One of the cylinders will be sent flying! The more cylinders you clear, the quicker the needle will move and the “Perfect” area will start to shrink.

e) You can claim a reward for each cylinder that you clear!

f) It’s Game Over if Naruto’s head falls before you have cleared all cylinders.

g) Every player has 3 daily attempts, players can consume 10, 15, 20 Ingots to have another 3 attempts to do this event.


a) Use Coupons or Ingots to spin the wheel.

b) Click START and wait to see what reward you will get. Every time you spin the wheel, different Coupons/Ingots quantities will be asked in order to continue spinning it. Generally speaking, the more Coupons/Ingots you use, the higher your chances of getting a better reward. If you use 1.000 Coupons/Ingots to spin it, it is almost impossible that you will get a Level 2 Rainbow Magatama.

For example: the 1st time you spin the wheel, you might be asked 100 Coupons/Ingots to spin it; the 2nd time you spin the wheel, you will be asked to use 300 Coupons/Ingots in order to continue spinning it.

The rewards for using 100 Coupons/Ingots are usually inferior to the rewards of using 300 Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel a 2nd time.

The more times you spin the wheel, the better the rewards can be; at the same time, the more times you spin the wheel, the more the Coupons/Ingots you will have to use in order to continue spinning it.

c) 1 spin will get you 1 reward. You cannot get the same reward a 2nd time on the same day.

d) The spins and Coupons/Ingots required to spin the wheel will be reset every day; however, the rewards are the same for all days of this event.

Players can spin the wheel up to 8 times a day.

14. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

15. "Monthly Event" updated. Are you ready for this year's Carnival? Or do you prefer Mardi Gras? Get dressed as best as you can and own this year's Carnival! Dress as your favourite hero.. or villain!

16. A new Ninja was added as the reward for April's Daily Sign-in: Kushina Uzumaki.

17. Last, but not least, "Fresh Flower", "Lucky Stars", "Lucky Voucher", "Wish Credits", "Discount Voucher 24h","Cave Key(Time-Limited)", obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week, once the events end, the "Fresh Flower", "Lucky Stars", "Lucky Voucher", "Wish Credits", "Discount Voucher 24h","Cave Key(Time-Limited)" you didn't use will be reset to 0. Remember to use them in time!

Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!

All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise.

Thank you for all your support to us,

Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Rinzļer on 2019-03-29 05:16:34.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-03-27 20:23:39Show this Author Only


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On 2019-03-27 20:24:34Show this Author Only


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On 2019-03-27 20:26:15Show this Author Only


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On 2019-03-27 20:27:09Show this Author Only

oof save week for me no new armors ;-;

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On 2019-03-27 20:27:58Show this Author Only

just shoving cave key rebates down our throats eh?

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On 2019-03-27 20:30:11Show this Author Only

16. A new Ninja was added as the reward for March's Daily Sign-in: Kushina Uzumaki. what is it March? xDD

  • Registered: 2017-11-16
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On 2019-03-27 20:31:27Show this Author Only

love myoboku trial

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On 2019-03-27 20:31:56Show this Author Only

and now ino is here to break the arena XD

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On 2019-03-27 20:32:40Show this Author Only

Meeeh... Naruto is only at Ino flowers, right?

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On 2019-03-27 20:32:53Show this Author Only

Whoever won the Deluxe Assist Pack before, can you tell me what was in it?

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On 2019-03-27 20:34:19Show this Author Only


Wasn't cave keys like 2 weeks ago? Also ino was week ago..

Itachi Uchiha [Susano’o]*10. I mean.. 10frags? You can spend all you want, and get just 10 frags?

This post was last edited by s1volu on 2019-03-27 20:43:25.
  • Registered: 2017-11-06
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On 2019-03-27 20:34:34Show this Author Only

WAIT, did you just nerf Myoboku Trial? No ninja frags or sb books? thanks for the voucher discount that probably 90% wont use. And despite the Fuku deals and Lucky stars, no events worth of coupons. Maybe, if the schedule wasn't turned up in the past weeks/months, maybe we could've had better synergy. Imo, after seeing them events live tomorrow, probably i ll save more coupons.

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On 2019-03-27 20:35:16Show this Author Only
  • HolotheWiseWolf On 2019-03-27 20:27:58
  • just shoving cave key rebates down our throats eh?

Not really, the cave key rebate came at the same time last month. You can count the weeks and you can tell that it comes on time

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On 2019-03-27 20:36:43Show this Author Only

so now its ningendos time to get some boost huh,not bad,and myoboku trial <3 finally

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On 2019-03-27 20:37:45Show this Author Only

Power type of fuku deal please.

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On 2019-03-27 20:38:26Show this Author Only

Events seem allright this week. Thank you for adding themed arena( after 2 months lol) I hope you start adding it every month like it is supposed to be. skillbreak and skilltrial, again - Thank you. keep up the good work.

P.S. I wish ino would be obtainable in other events not only in recharge/spends, she is so cute tZCMR06

This post was last edited by Lionpower22 on 2019-03-27 21:59:33.
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On 2019-03-27 20:45:53Show this Author Only

nice fuko event! time to get good ninja w/fuko rebate! hahaha! too bad who get 6path this week w/out rebate! pure frags only,hahaha

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On 2019-03-27 20:46:27Show this Author Only
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On 2019-03-27 20:47:27Show this Author Only

Is it correct that Red Anniversary Envelope ends at 30th March while every other event is running until 3rd April?

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