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[ Events ] Event Cycle - March 28th


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  • Registered: 2017-10-03
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On 2019-03-27 20:38:26Show All Posts

Events seem allright this week. Thank you for adding themed arena( after 2 months lol) I hope you start adding it every month like it is supposed to be. skillbreak and skilltrial, again - Thank you. keep up the good work.

P.S. I wish ino would be obtainable in other events not only in recharge/spends, she is so cute tZCMR06

This post was last edited by Lionpower22 on 2019-03-27 21:59:33.
  • Registered: 2017-10-03
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On 2019-03-28 00:05:20Show All Posts
  • ⚙ Lexa On 2019-03-27 23:05:47
  • Sigh. Yeah, about Summer Ino. And I know, I know there's going to the "other team" thing. Anyway, getting that out of the way preemptively...

    So, over in China, Summer Ino debuted totally free. Best I can recall, no star difference either, unless I got enough free frags to star her up in another event (might have been the shuriken target event soon after). Saying that as I just looked over there, and I do indeed have her at 3 stars and have spent zero actual money on China.

    The lowdown is, there was an event there, can't recall exactly what it was *precisely* but it was in Hot Topics, you clicked on the event, it took you to a page, you narrowed down your server range, then exact server, and character to get started. And if I remember right it was one of those Do Stuff In Game, Get Points, then come back to that Event--which took you to another page--and use those points to get the multiple frags and recruit her. And don't think it was quite as time intensive as the current one over there of that variety, Mizuki, who you kinda do a similar task based reward. Although, thinking back on it now while replying, think that was a get points event, pick a... flower? I think? And the different flowers with varied points on click, that helped you maybe get other points to put toward her. Anyway, it was pretty straightforward that even not reading Chinese I figured it out.

    Not saying everything is sunshine and rainbows there, but being honest about what was a totally free ninja.

bro, I know she was fo free in china... lots of ninjas we got in recharge/spend events - were for free in china.. and I wish we would do the same... but oas thinks differently =/

This post was last edited by Lionpower22 on 2019-03-28 00:06:43.
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