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[ Events ] Event Cycle - March 28th


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  • Registered: 2017-10-04
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On 2019-03-30 04:20:18Show All Posts

Good evening community.

IT's been a long time since i wrote here but i must do it once again.

First of all, theme arena its the best event i've seen, in 1 hour i got over 100 fragments from several fighters, amazing job, totally worth it,

Good job on putting potion training in myobuky trial.

Cave exploration and refining event are always usefull since there is groceries room.

That's all though.

Daily recharge event with 6000 ingots recharge per day, something like 120 dollars per day...PER DAY.

Red envelope, if there is no recharge, there is no event.

Daily special, not soo special since there is only 10% discount as free to play, worthless.

Infinite Tsukuyomi...3000 dollars for 1 fighter...i can't stop laughing about those who actually bought it.

Unlucky wheel with, again, the infamous 10 fragments comments on throwing away coupons for random, RNG events.

Daily spending event, again, if there is no recharge, there is no ingots to spend and there is no event.

Wheel of fortune, another random rng event for you to burn out your coupons.

The best for last, fuku event asking 30k coupons for you to get gold essence....that's right, people can say there is more power items bla bla bla but the fact its that in the past months you could get a gold essence for 20k, now it's 50% more save up to 20k you need like 5 months doing plunder and all those free events, to reach 30k lol

This game will not change, it's becoming more and more focus for whales, people who can't compete against that will just stop playing, until more and more servers are dead, its legit people do what they want, however everyone should think about 2 things
1- Do you want to beat a CPU or a person? because to beat a person you need that person to compete, if you spend spend spend and end up with insane difference of power, who will you beat then? Take care of your community since everyone want to have fun competing.
2- IF you want to be top 3 in space time, or the best player in the game, what will you think its going to be your reward for that? Only one reward, a very lighter and shorter bank account, putting a 3000 dollars event for madara and seeing in swb people with him...i feel sad.

Mates, no point on arguing with oasis, you have the power, not them.


This post was last edited by SirLusitania on 2019-03-30 04:22:44.
  • Registered: 2017-10-04
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On 2019-04-03 02:10:38Show All Posts

350 flowers, 1 flower=50 ingots -->350x50=17 500 ingots =350 dollars...who spends 350 dollars in one event? As the time goes by the prices, who were expensive as hell, actually rises....talking about milking a cow.

Of course a dopped kakuzo, madara ten tales etc etc makes you win a battle but its that worth all that money? For what reason?

You should value more how hard it is to earn money, but you can ask what you want i just can't understand how logical people could spend that much for a 20min game per day.


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