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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-03-16 01:40:10Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Is been 1 and a half years.... I'm no where near Sage of Six paths rank... for god* long.

So close yet so far...

How can i get away from this shame.... oh my dignity.

I have reached a low point, and i could never get back up.

Arena is raided with Naruto so6p. and all i can do is watch my team dies. sigh...

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On 2019-03-16 04:56:12Show this Author Only

what ninjas do you own?

there's more than 1 lineup that is able to let you win against sosp naruto in arena even without owning initiative.

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On 2019-03-16 13:45:19Show this Author Only

Is going to be messy... sry in advance




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On 2019-03-16 13:48:03Show this Author Only

and this is the normal team i usually bring in to arena


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On 2019-03-16 22:47:08Show this Author Only

Any ideas?

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On 2019-03-16 23:43:29Show this Author Only

x x x

pakura kushina habanero x

wind main chiriku x

talents: 42114, summon: dog of hell

this one let you beat the common bee sst shisui naruto sage of six paths team in arena.

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On 2019-03-17 17:02:37Show this Author Only

My wind main gets aim hard using this lineup. After that the whole lineup went down hill xD

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On 2019-03-17 17:42:36Show this Author Only

But thanks man! So far It's been working out quite nice! =D. Finally doing some damage

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On 2019-03-18 05:44:15Show this Author Only

If you think you're slow.

Use Sai Suit. He will greatly help you. Put him on pos 3-4, if RNG on your side, his lions will turn table for you.

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On 2019-03-18 10:57:26Show this Author Only
  • A Nickname On 2019-03-17 17:02:37
  • My wind main gets aim hard using this lineup. After that the whole lineup went down hill xD

that's the point infact and the reason why sand dust is the mystery used for it, because is almost granted that the main will move only in round 1, but the team works perfectly even with the main killed or controlled.

anyways, you are welcome :-)

This post was last edited by Garv on 2019-03-18 10:58:22.
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On 2019-03-18 22:40:57Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2019-03-18 10:57:26
  • that's the point infact and the reason why sand dust is the mystery used for it, because is almost granted that the main will move only in round 1, but the team works perfectly even with the main killed or controlled.

    anyways, you are welcome :-)

Yea. but i always died on round 1.

They always do this. Bee => Naruto uses his standard and then mystery reset. => Then earth main uses his chakra skill. Then he aim my wind main. I cant even use my Sand dust to hit their naruto.


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On 2019-03-18 22:41:56Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2019-03-18 05:44:15
  • If you think you're slow.

    Use Sai Suit. He will greatly help you. Put him on pos 3-4, if RNG on your side, his lions will turn table for you.

Naah. Most team running So6p have Bee. So i think having Sai suit doesnt do anything =(

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On 2019-03-19 18:56:22Show this Author Only
  • A Nickname On 2019-03-18 22:40:57
  • Yea. but i always died on round 1.

    They always do this. Bee => Naruto uses his standard and then mystery reset. => Then earth main uses his chakra skill. Then he aim my wind main. I cant even use my Sand dust to hit their naruto.


The idea is that you use sand dust on naruto asap to pop up his dodge and to clear the shields on main/bee.

Then may happen two things:

1) the enemy doesn't reduce cd on naruto.


Main will summon a clone twice and one of the two clones will start a combo on something. If they do you'll have the chakra to use kushina on naruto whose chase will also remove bee mystery effect thanks to chiriku chase.

The following round he will use naruto mystery very likely on your main. Fine. If he uses shisui too on pakura asap you just wait for kushina to pop shisui dodge and then you use chiriku on shisui.

The following round you choose what to do depending on the fact if naruto reduced cd or not. If naruto didn't reduce cd then you use pakura mystery asap and you select naruto then you use kushina on naruto. If reduced cd you use pakura the same. He is compelled to use naruto to interrupt her because otherwise shisui is granted to be killed.

Let him do it. After the mystery is delivered you use kushina on him.

At this point you have won. You are left, very likely with chiruku + kushina against naruto and kushina selfheals more than naruto.

2) the enemy reduces naruto's cd.

In this case if he uses naruto on your main you just endure round 1. Unless he had the luck of the devil and reduced cd after the 1st standard and then reduced it again on round 2 he won't have naruto mystery available asap so what you do is using chiriku mystery selecting naruto. If he uses shisui mystery to interrupt you he has no chakra left to use naruto again. If he doesn't select chiriku he will very likely select your main. Fine. If he does the latter you use kushina mystery on naruto. If instead managed to interrupt chiriku you wait for kushina standard to pop shisui chase and then you use her mystery on shisui, very likely killing him.

At that point is an 1vs2 between a very weakened naruto and kushina + chiriku so depends on how lucky the enemy is.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-03-19 18:59:04.
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On 2019-03-20 22:23:11Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2019-03-19 18:56:22
  • The idea is that you use sand dust on naruto asap to pop up his dodge and to clear the shields on main/bee.

    Then may happen two things:

    1) the enemy doesn't reduce cd on naruto.


    Main will summon a clone twice and one of the two clones will start a combo on something. If they do you'll have the chakra to use kushina on naruto whose chase will also remove bee mystery effect thanks to chiriku chase.

    The following round he will use naruto mystery very likely on your main. Fine. If he uses shisui too on pakura asap you just wait for kushina to pop shisui dodge and then you use chiriku on shisui.

    The following round you choose what to do depending on the fact if naruto reduced cd or not. If naruto didn't reduce cd then you use pakura mystery asap and you select naruto then you use kushina on naruto. If reduced cd you use pakura the same. He is compelled to use naruto to interrupt her because otherwise shisui is granted to be killed.

    Let him do it. After the mystery is delivered you use kushina on him.

    At this point you have won. You are left, very likely with chiruku + kushina against naruto and kushina selfheals more than naruto.

    2) the enemy reduces naruto's cd.

    In this case if he uses naruto on your main you just endure round 1. Unless he had the luck of the devil and reduced cd after the 1st standard and then reduced it again on round 2 he won't have naruto mystery available asap so what you do is using chiriku mystery selecting naruto. If he uses shisui mystery to interrupt you he has no chakra left to use naruto again. If he doesn't select chiriku he will very likely select your main. Fine. If he does the latter you use kushina mystery on naruto. If instead managed to interrupt chiriku you wait for kushina standard to pop shisui chase and then you use her mystery on shisui, very likely killing him.

    At that point is an 1vs2 between a very weakened naruto and kushina + chiriku so depends on how lucky the enemy is.

well.... The problem im facing with so6p is that the mystery resets on Round 1 and 2. First, Bee will give extra std attack to naruto. Then he combos. Then mystery reset. And then earth main give chakra, mystery straight goes to wind main. Then Naruto combo again, mystery is down by one. Round 2, the mystery is up again. and the next thing i know, im dead. =( The 1st Scenario never occured to me... T___T

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On 2019-03-30 10:29:22Show this Author Only
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