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[ Events ] Events Cycle - March 7th


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  • Registered: 2017-11-05
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On 2019-03-06 20:36:18Show All Posts

now kakuzo is here.can u put 6p naruto redeemablle again

  • Registered: 2017-11-05
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On 2019-03-06 21:34:45Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2019-03-06 21:01:22
  • 2 weeks ago naruto was in ino flowers that you could get with stamina, now he is in lucky... that can be done with cp... AND PEOPLE STILL CRY bUt wHeN nArUtO rEdEeMaBlE wHiT cP??? if you dont know how to get him stop crying...

i need 12 frags u idiot and im not spending 10k in * for that sht

  • Registered: 2017-11-05
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On 2019-03-08 06:46:46Show All Posts
  • torrific On 2019-03-08 05:41:24
  • It is unbelievable how many people are crying after these events. You finally have naruto redeemable in an event with excellent prizes and still somehow find a reason to whine. You people are the reason Oasis never gives a f about what you are saying because you ALWAYS have something to complain about.

do u see the price u idiot.its 30k .for me i only need 12 frags and i won't pay 10k for that do u think im dumb like u

  • Registered: 2017-11-05
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On 2019-03-08 10:05:39Show All Posts
  • doobian619 On 2019-03-08 09:01:04
  • Calling somebody an idiot because you don't wanna spend or afford is definitely some common sense. I guess prices on things in this world never change huh? Easy thing to do is blame everyone else but yourself. Noted.

do u think im a *. like u who will spend that much for him.the orher guy was an idiot but u r worse.i can't believe how dumb people can be

  • Registered: 2017-11-05
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On 2019-03-09 04:03:47Show All Posts
  • torrific On 2019-03-09 01:59:06
  • Well here is why you are a dumbass: YOU ARE NOT PAYING JUST FOR NARUTO. YOU NEVER WILL. Lucky * is giving MUCH better rewards than the other events he has been in apart maybe lucky dice. On top of that you have Edo Hiruzen in missions general AND jonin minato. New summon in recharge event as well. The fact that you kids have brain damage and are a disgusting pile of *ity and you whine and complain that they are not giving you the most op ninja right now for 500 coupons will not change the fact that Oasis ACTUALLY did a good job on the events in a very long time. However, because there are so many people with 3 quarters of their brain missing such as yourself, they will get less and less incentives to do good events because whether the events are good or not, you are still complaining. The events this week are amazing and you whiny kids with irresponsible parents need to learn that nobody will give you anything just because you are crying like little bit**es. Go ahead and cry yourself to sleep because you have been too incompetent to get so6p until now.

u really like *ing oasis's *.since when is lucky * a good event?idc about the other events i think they are fine .the problem is naruto being in that *ty event for 30k .why can't i get him for 20k like most ppl did?

  • Registered: 2017-11-05
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On 2019-03-11 22:37:50Show All Posts
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