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[ Events ] Events Cycle - March 7th


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  • Registered: 2019-02-07
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On 2019-03-07 16:39:32Show All Posts
  • Ani1516 On 2019-03-07 15:34:46
  • because no money - no fun

That can be argued against... being f2p is a bish…. however it isn't impossible to still have fun..

Salt aside doesn't look too bad, I'll probably still be saving up rather than bothering with the events but unlike last week there seems to be some incentive.

The constant back to back fukomaru/ingot events is a little... painful to see but with what looks like an increase in p2w/p2p players it kinda figures.

Still waiting for the magical forbidden day that the sound 4 get a new form.... though I predict that the whole Boruto cast would be added decades before that, along with crossovers from the DC universe as they would somehow be higher on the list of relevant characters xD

This post was last edited by SweetCheeks on 2019-03-07 16:39:56.
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