Can we petition to have the normal monday and friday matsuri replaced with the arena version? After having just completed it, I have to say it just seems a lot better overall. Matching seems a bit more balanced since it tries to match ba
No thanks .. Just go to arena if you want that kind of battles ..
At 300k+ bp, I have no real challenge in normal Matsuri. This mode actually provides a challenge. I'm lucky to get 1 fight out of 5 on mon-fri. On Sunday I got to fight all 5 matches. I lost 1 team, and 1 extra guy through all 5 fights. Which is more than pretty much any matsuri I've been in, unless I give wins away. Sorry that some people like to have an actual challenge when playing, rather than just steam-rolling 5 wins all the time. Normal matsuri is pure boredom.
That's my reason too .. Aside from that, my Moon and Sun Scrolls already hits the cap at wed or thurs .. tho stones are good too .. Maybe if the put Seals and Summon Scroll in that new Matsuri Arena then i might agree with this thread's idea ..
That's what I'm suggesting. The fighting become the new arena format, rewards would be normal. The only thing that changes is Matsuri becomes more balanced for all players.
the matching system is the same as the normal matsuri. the problem of matsuri is that high power players since can't find anybody to be matched with usually hit the 60 seconds mark and so can be matched with everybody.
that said, about your suggestion, for what i saw by going in it: in that feature is extremely easier to be compelled to use revival potions to get the 5 wins than is in the normal matsuri (if you own decent power), so i'm not sure if would be a good idea.
if costed just 10-20 revival potions to resurrect 1 ninja i would say i would agree with you (is more balanced), but since it costs 40 i say i don't agree with your suggestion (i would be of a different idea if by hitting 4 and 5 wins you would get decent rewards exactly as happens in normal matsuri).
Matching system doesn't seem quite same as normal matsuri. It's ba
Either way, I'm tired of curb stomping beginners or just burning revives to help randoms. I rather have actual fights. And I know how much F2P complain about things like Matsuri and Bonds. So I figure a more balanced mode would actual help the game rather than just frustrating beginners into quitting right away.
no, just stop with these annoying threads of "I don't like this, please take it off, blablabla... *sobs*" along with "nerf this and that ninja, and my neighbors dog too..." uffff...
accept the game as it is :P
I don't mind either. I don't remember the last time I didn't get 5 wins in any matsuri. It literally makes no difference to me. But I do know that lots of non-whale players complain every week about getting screwed over in matsuri due to constantly matching high powers they can never beat. At least with a balance, they have a chance. The rewards are better in the normal one which I felt would be nicer for lower level/power players to be able to obtain though good play by switching the rules (not the rewards). Rather than begging or getting destroyed constantly.
I'm not asking about nerfing characters. I'm simply proposing and idea and trying to generate a discussion about it. If you don't like it, you are welcome to say why. If you are just "annoyed" then you should probably just keep scrolling.
Well. you are at the top level of Matsuri with your 300k+ bp and is having no fun of it. But have you considered the oppinion of middle power level people? As someone with 200k bp with level 105, the arena matsuri is a dissaster. I get beaten by op people as in normal matsuri, but I get kicked by p2w below level 95 with about 150k bp that I would win in normal matsuri. I fought someone in arena matsuri at level 90 with Sixpath Naruto, Roshi, earth main and Killer Bee team that I've also encountered in normal matsuri. I won in normal matsuri with lightning main and madara team but got beaten really fast in the arena matsuri. This arena matsuri is made for p2w people too, the really op people can have a bit challenge and the low level p2w have their only disadvantage of low hp removed.
A blitz team in arena can kill 6p in 1 round. There is literally no excuses in arena that X ninja are unbeatable since they is no way to overstack. Everyone is a little squishy.
What garv says is that in normal matsuri the amount of people that hit the 60 seconds mark is so high that basically the matching system is random (it's not necessary that you hit the 60 seconds it's enough that one between you and your enemy hit it for you to have unbalanced fights).
And i would add also that in normal matsuri the matching system first takes in account level then power.
P. S. You paid so much that you made yourself out of the high side of the chart competition too and you complain now that there's no good match for you? Was your choice and you should have known it when you paid this much (or did you expect to find 1000 people in your bracket able to keep up?)
But is easy for you too to have good matches also in normal matsuri. Just remove 10k total initiative between your move 1 and 2 (i would say 7k from move 1 and 3k from move 2) and 50k total power before going in and you'll have the decent competition you want.
Nah there are plenty of strong guys that I face in Sage, ST, and other events. I'm just trying to look out for the lower end players that constantly complain they can't do anything and end up quitting. It's cool though. No skin of my back. I don't mind taking 10 mins to do matsuri on mon-friday.
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